grateful to wake up to this day

grateful for this day to get to enjoy this day
to get to feel good and enjoy the day
to get to tune in tap in turn on
to get to feel the flow flowing through me
to get to feel the energy that creates worlds
to return to the

tuned self so grateful to wake up and tun eth

tune the self so g

grateful to wake up and
tune the self so grateful to wka

wake up and tune the self so grateful to tune to
tune to the on the bus feeling t

tune to the divine buzz to get the motor
running right to decide where i get to place my attention

grateful to tune myself
to feel good to feel myself i’m feeling myself i’m feeling this
day i’m feeling the

energy of this day and i know that the
day reflects the enegy i give iat

it and i love that i get to feel good i get to feel
excited aboutl ife i get to love i get to
send the signal of love i lovee that
i get to g

i get to sned the signal o of lov ei love that there is
only ever love i love that ther eis only
ever love and i am it

i love doing this work first thing sn

and starting the day off right

i love that ig et to feel good get to feel the
god self get to know the god self get to srate

start the day off right!

i love orders!!

i love doing the work i love that its esay
i love that life is eay i lov that
life flows easily through me
i love that i knwo the

answer to a

every quesstion is love i love that i get to
to do this work the focus work the feelign work and know this is
the only work this
is my only focus the laser facous

instantly and constantly
takes on form and experience
according to my needs and desires

and as the principle of supply in action
it is impoosible

impossible for me to have any
unfulfilled needs or desires

i love starting the day
off right i love getting to feel good getting
to feel the
flow of life flow through me
getting to feel god

i love the power of this practice
this focus this tuning of the instrument

i love the power of directing energy
and that energy is directed by emotion

i love that ig et to choose how i feel
about anything
i love that i get to feel

thepower of em
i love that i get to feel the power of me
i love that
i get
to feel the power of me get to know the power of me
get to focus in the power of me

get to feel centered in the pwoer of me
which is how i feel and i never have to give that way


i love the feeling of the focus when i
make the choice for somehting i want and know that it
is already done and no

not overthinking it
i love that i never have to overthinkin it

i can just choose and then it is
and that
is the best feeling i love that i get to choose
i love that i know i am the one and only creator
i love that i get ot

direct all of my energy toward this knowledge
on the bus am i on the bus am i one the bus
and i love that i get to feel th at

that feeling that its a feeling i can
always tap inot

into and so grateufl i know
so grateufl i know god that i know the secret to

life so grateful to see teh

to watch the day


in front of me

in direct reflection to how i feel and i love that
i get to choose that i love that i

get to choose ho wi feel

i am totally confident in letting go
and letting god

i am totally confident
in letting go and letting god
i love that it s

it alwl


always coes to me i love that its aw

always coming to me and all i have to do
all i can ever do

is say yes

i love that i get to choose il ove that i
get to choose to feel good
get to choose to feel good

feel god

i feel the god self
always createing i feel the creative power
of my emotions
of the version i choose to focus

i feel the creative power of the emotions
that i allow

to reside within me
i feel the creative power of the emotions

that i are

that area me
i know that i am

the emotions teh way i feel my expectations
are always creating
and today
i choose to create the

version i prefer

i love that i get to choose alignment
i get to choose love i get to

feel the

energy of god bursting forth i
get to feel it gushing through me
i get
to feel the energy of love

gushing forth i love that
i get to feel it i love that i
get to feel good get to

feel the energy of life and knowing
that whatever gets done
is all ther is

its already done i lovee that
i get to feel the

of life gushing forth
i get to know the truth
and once i decide that its already done

then life is easy i love that i
get to choose it i love

i love that i get to do a good job i love

remembering who and what i am
i love remembering that i am the best i love

liking myself i love loving myself i love
thinkking highly of myself

i love my work and i’m proud of it
i love that i am good at talking about my work
i love that
we’re going to do agood job
because we always do i lov etha t

loves me!!