today i’m placing my attention

feels so good to start teh work firsr thing
to focus the energy first thing to remember who and what i am
to remember and celebrate the power of me it feels goo

good to do the work to focus on the work the feeling work

iit feels good to focuso n the feeling work the only work
and today i’m placing my attention

i’m taking it off of wha i don’t want
and placing it on what i do want i’m

placing my attention
and that’s the only thing i can ever do i love coming here
and remembering the poweer of me and then living

as god today i get to live as god
and ccele

celebrate it today i get to feel th feeling of the
version i wnat to live

i’m here i love doing thew ork the
feeling work the tuning work and remembering
exactly what i am
i love t

starting the day off right i love
feeling the feeling of god

fill me up i love remembering exactly what iam
and i love that life always hels me do thos

and i’m’ grateufl i’m grateful to life for
helping me remember what i am

i’m grateful to life for helping me
remember what i am
and i love that i kno i love that i know
and i love

making the time and energy to tune myself to it
i love that i know something amazingly awesome is going
to happen today i love that i
can feel it i love that i get to choose

to remember who

how i want to feel knowing that feeling is always creating
it it feels good tor emember to tap into the feeling i wnat to feel

and know for a fact from so much life experience that life
always reflects that feeling
i know that life always reflects that feeling

so grateful to do thiw work this work and feel this
feeling knowing that i always have access to it i know tha ti always

have access to the feeling of god to f
the feeling of knowing i am the one and only creator to the
feeling of knowing ia m the one and only

creator and i get to decide

i get to decide i get to feel the feeling i get to
feel the feeling of magick of tuning of flow flow

flow flowing through me creative energy flowing through me i
get to remember who i am i get to remember who ia m

i get to remember who i am
i get to remembre who and what i am that
i’m the only

one and only creator i get to get out of the wya
and feel the energy of life i get to feel the energy of life
knowing that this work

this work is the only work the tuning is the only work
the tuning is the only work

i can let go i can let go i caan

let go and just float i love doing the work
to feel good to tune myself to the vibration of me
to tune myself to the vibration of god i love making
the time to do the work

first thing i am tuned i lov

i am love i am
loving and lall4

all of life is coming to me
i love that i get to get out of the way i love that i know

it’s all enery and

i get to hank it

thank it

i love remembering who i am i love remembering the

power of me the love of me i love
starting the day focused i love

allowing the energy to flow through me
feeling the energy that creates wordls the energy

that creates worlds the

energy that creates worlds i love hat i get to do it i love that
i get to do it i lov ethat i know this that i know this

is real i

love that i know through life experience i love that i know through life experience


so grateful to make thet ime
to do thiw work this work the work
always want to do the work that i know

makes the difference
so grateful to fee the feelign
creeping in
i feel the

i feel the feeling !!!

i feel the Feeling!!

the feeling of god the feeling of knowing
the feeling of

creative energy pouring through me the
feeling of riding the wave the
feeling of really celebrating life

the feeling of allowing god to live through m e
and celebrating it the feeling of


really loving myself and my life
i feel the feeling of god i feel the feeling of love i feel the
feeling of being tuned to the vibration
of me

i love that i get to create it get to feel it
get to be it get to be

the energy that creats worlds
and i love doing this tuning work


first thing i love tuning myself i love that
i get to choose ti love that i love that
i get to choose to

do the work
feel the feeling feel the feeling

feel the focus fee

i love doing this work the only work
i love
doing this work the only work i love that
i get to make the choice

i love doing this work the only
work feeling the feeling the only feeling i feel the
only feeling

i feel the flow i feel the flow of life
flowing hrough me
i feel the

energy that creates worlds
i know i can always tune myself tune myself

to the vibration of me

i can always tune myself

to the vibration of me i get to choose i
ge tto choose i get to choose
i get to chooe i get to choose i get to choose

i get to choose the feeling i get to choose the feeling

i get to choose i get to choose i get to choose

i get to choose how if eel

how i tune myself and the version i create
i get to choose to feel the

energy that creates worlds