gratefult o have to have a breakthrough

grateufl to break through to me to god
to do the work to break through to me its time to
tind fing me again its time to find me again tis time

to find me again tits time to find me again
its time to find me again its time

thank you tha

for the contrast the hlps me focus that helps me

see what im not that helps me see wht im not i not of that

that im th
only thing hthis this here and now
that im only


its me making the time tofin to find myself to b
be f

to be myself its me it sme
makeing the time the time to feel good

to feel
find myself this is

thank you for the breakthrough the breakthrough to who ia m
i knwo tis her ei know its my time thak you t

thank you for the breakthrough thatnk
thank you

for you for the breakthrough thank you for the

the breakthrough thank you for the br

breakthrough tha

thank ou

thank you for the break through thank you for remindnig me its all
thats’a ll it is is it
its only ever me and i love that i get to feel it i love tha

i get to feel it i love that i

get to feel it it i love that i
get to feel ti i love

that i get to

thank you for the breakthorugh thank yo
for showing me right away how i

i drive with the feeling how i fk

keep up the good owrk for for me how i keep

up the routine i knwo tis a routing and i know
i can co it i know that i know that i nokw

its oemthing that i have to stick and
to and i know i can do it

i know i have to do it i know i have to do it because
i want to live good i

am living good i am living happy i am living good i am living happy
and i love that i get to i lvoe that i get to

thank you for the breakthrough
thank you for reminding me who i am
waht i am the

that i get to drie life with e
the feeling li
thank you for
reminding the power of creating
the power of creation

thank you for em
remeind gme thank yo for the up a
and doesn that dow
show me thank you for showign me

i knwo hwat
what i am i know he power of the focus
i know the pwoeer fo me i nkow the power

of me ehw


when i focus i notice how i feel i notice my mindset and i now tht
ic an choose to change mh maindse tlifttle by
littel and i knwo that ic an do it i know that i can do it i know that

god is here with me i nkow that o

god with

will help me

thank you for reminding me the poweer of me
thank you for

remingding me my real source
i am ready to re
feel good again im ready to feel god again

i enjoy lfie i enjoy life li
i enjoy my life i wa
enjoy my life i feel the way i want to
feel and i nkow that
the god self is

the source i know that the god self is the source
of enjoyment of life i knwo this feeling and i know that
i can atak

take any opportunity to feel it i know that h
the fr
more ifee
feel the feeling of god the more i see god in my life
i knwo this i now hte

i know the power of the
the feelign i nwo th
that when i make the itme
to feel how iw atnt ofeel i feel it!!

i love that i don thavve to use
the mind i love tha ti get ot

to live for me i ge to
to feel the god f
version of me an dknow thi

theres’ ntohing else i get to feel the god version of em
and know these
there’s ntohing else i get to
feel the god version of me and know
thta’ts ntohign telse
wnad know thateres nt
there’s nothing esle

thank you for the breakthrough back to self
i have to be me i have to choose the
god self i have to focuso n the

god self i

i love feeling optimistic
i love feeling optimistic

i love allowing myself to do this work
to stink in

sink into it to practicce it to really do it

i love when i believe in myself
i love feeling the feeling of believing in myself
i love
feeling the feeling of likeing myself

i love it w

i love liking class i love liking working out i love
when we have fun doing it i love that we get ti l ove
i love that

we go i love that

we get to have fun i love that

i love having fun i love getting to have it all i love
when i g
feel good about ti i love having fun i love that

lif is good i lao
i love wal
allowing life to feel good i love
feeling excited about life i love
welcomign life i love
saying yes

to life i love saying

saying yes to lfie i love
when i am

when i say yes to life i love
feeling optimistic i love
feleing in love i love

when i feel in o love i love that
i get ti love that

i get to be in love i love that i get to be in i love with life
i love when i love myse life

i love believing in myself
i love

that i get to keep it i get to make it how i want it i
get to make it how i want it i love

when i remember that im making it how iw ant it
its a fitness

its a practicce the better it gts and i know this
i love
i love myself
i accept myself
and i

dont create any problems