Happy Mental Conversations

i love that i get to feel good tday
i love that he work is already working i love that i getto
feel good today
that i now thet ruth today

grateful to know the truth today to know the power
of em today to be in charge of how i feel today
to be awarey today gratefult o be aware today

i love this work and feeling the real me i love
doing this work and nowing the truth i love
doing this work and feeling the truth

i love doing this work and feeling good feeling the power of me i love keeping
up the good work i love

that when i am awre i have no problems

and i now this

i know thats all that mattesr
the version i create i know all that matters

is the version i create
i knwo

all that matters is the focus in know the only
effort is awareness i know this i know this for a fact i know htis is how life works

i love that i get to feel good
that i get to chose the god
self i love that i get to

to choose awareness

when i am aware i have no problms i love that i now thsi i love

i know that awarenss its
is the only effo i nko

effoort i nkow that awness is the only
feelign i seek and

its always here wth me
i knwo the feeling i seek is the security in awareness i love that i nwo this
i lvoe that i knwo this i love

that i nkow thsi i lov etha ti now

i love that i kow what i seek is laways right

right here with me i nkow that the feeling is
i seek

is alwarye

alredy here i love that i nwo this that i get to come hre feelign good

that i get to have a good day i love
ahving a good day i love waking up vf

feeling good i love not having anywhere to be i love

today im ha ing

having happy mental converstation

sations j

today im having happen mentsla converstation
si know

i love that i knwo i lvoe that its easy
i love that life is easy and its so easy

to make the swithc t

its so eay to allits so easy to have a good day
its so

i love when shops are so enthusiastic about our work

i love that i gte
to create it i love tht i get to allow a good life for myself i love
that i get to allow it i love

that life is good and the work work i love
feeling focused i love making the time

to always bring it back to here and

i love that i can always come back to awareness
and that i now awareness is real i know the
feeling of life is real i know that

the feeling drvies life i now tat h


indifference dives
drives life i know that my indifference is my power
and im so grateful tpracicce ti
i love that i get to i love that
i get to turn to the magci

magic of life that i get to live int he magic of life

that i get to live in the magic of life
that ig et to love

elt go of everything else and just live in the magic i love that
i ge to live

to live in the magic of lfie i love

that i get to

live in the magi c

int he magic of lfie that i get
to live in

the magic of life that i get to rust the mag

of life so grateufl to feel good now to feel t
he flow
now the feel the
flow to

so grateufl to feel the

the magic life now when i am awarea

i have

when i am aware
i have no problems
and i nkow

this is true this is facct

is the only fact of life
when i am aware i have no problems

i love that i k now i can live from awrenes

i love how fun and magicall i t is to
live from awraeness i love that its up to me
to look with lie ti

its up to me to choose
i dont have to be afraid of life because i choose

i lookf or

forward o getting to make the
the choice i look forward to

getting to enjoy y
to enjoying my life here and now

to expanding into the here and now to saying yes
to the here and now i look forwad to
that expansion
i look forward to feeling good now
i love

look forward to makeign the choice i love that

when i get gt o mke the cchoice because then it si
its i il ove hwne i et to make the choice
becuast hen it is

thank you god for evverything
when i am awrae i have no problme

when i have


i have no problesm
i lvoe that i get ti loe
that life is god

i lovet hat i knwo i am
god i love that i nkow the god self i love
taht i get to

to feel it i love that i get to to
the fun work the magic work i loe

that i get to remembeer my power i i love t
aht ig et to use my pwoer i love

that i knwo when i am awre i have no problems

happy mental conversations
happy mental conversations

grateful to enjoy life

to have a good day
grateful to be aware

to sink into awrenes

to feel close to awareness

to know the truth to have access to the truth
so grateufl to havve access to the truth
to be

int he practicce again i
to be in the finess
to rely


on my power!!