he work works the focus works the awreness works and i now t
aht i
when i am awarei
i have no problems i love that wehn im a ware
aware i have nopro
i love feeling good i love that i get to feel
good i love doing it i lovve following through i love
feeling good about myselff i love that i get to
feel good about myself i love
i love taking care of my mood i love
taking ccare of my energy i love
tuning into the magical assistance i love
i love doing the work i love that i now
the flow is always flowing
i love that i know the god self i love that i now
the one and only truth i love that i know theres only oe power
i love that i now theres only one
power i love that i know
awareness is the only effort
the insidde is
the only effort
the inside is he only efffort i now thi
this cconsciousness is the only effort
consciousness si
the only effort
is awarenss
awrae of who and what i am
the only effort its awreness
aware of what iam
who am i who am i and
i know i love that i know i love
that i can relax i love that
i don thac
care what
what happens i can just
get to feel good i get to
feel good i get to feel good day
today i get to nejoy the day
i get to
trust the day i get to
trust the day trust the feeling and i loe that i get t i love
that i
get to feel good today that i get to
to focus
awareness is the only effort today
joining h
with god is the only effort today
seeing lif how god sees it is the only
efforta dn i lov tha ti get to chosoe
choose it that i get to keep up this wrok i keep up
the good work because
i enjoy enjoying my life and im
i get to focus on god i get to feel
the feeling og d
of god and know that is all there is
i know that my porx
proximityt o god is my supply
my consciousness of
the prsenec of god within em is my supply
i know this
grateful to focus on the one truth
the one power i know there s o
there’s only one power i nkow tehre’s only
one power and its god i know there’s only
one power and is god
grateful i get to like myself today
i loe
love myself today i feel talkative today i
feel social today i feel happy today
i feel free from resistance today
i feel
free from resistance
i love that i now its all me i love htat i know its my choice
i love that
i know is me i love that i get to fel the feeling
of me the
of god in me i get to feel
the feeling of god in me i get to focs
focus on this work and th
only w
this work this feeling and only ht
this feeling this is the feeling i seek
and this i
this feeliing is laways right here w
when i release everything else the feeling iw ant is
already there fee
the feeling i want is already there the fee
i love that its already hre
here with me
through my consciousness of the god self as my source
i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance of spirit
this is substancce is my supply thus my consciousness
of the presencce of god within me is my cupply
my consciousness of the god self is
my supply
my consciousness of the god self
is my supply i love that i now this
i know that the god self is my supply
i love
that i know
this substancce is my supply
this substance is mky supply
ive been looking outside of me thats wht
i lvoe that i know this now
its t
not there is here find it here fis fin
find the god self first and thre
the rest follows and i lvoe that life
shows me
i love that ig et o leanr i love t
aht i get to upgar
upgrade everry month a new upgraefd i love
that i get ot feel it i love
that i get o feel good relax intot he
through my consciousness of my god self
the christ within as my supply
i draw into my mid fe
and feeling nature the very substance of spirit
this substance is my supply
thus my consciousnes of the presence of god within me
is my supply
this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god within me
is my supply i love that
through my consciousness of my god self
the truth when i am aware of the truth
when i say who am i an really feel the answer
that feeling is the substance of life
that substance is my supply
and the more i feel that substance
that feeling is my supply
there’s not o
no other supply
there’s no
no other suply
supply there’s nothing outa
outside of me to bring it its the
consciousness of the god self
that’s all there is
that is all ther is i
it is the only currency and the only work
is to feel it and the more
effort i put towards feeling the
god self the richer i will be because
that feeling is the only currency nothing
esle matters na di lvoe that i love knwo ti l
i love that i now i love doing thiw
this wrok br
briging the currency from within i lov ethat
i nkow i love that i now this work i love
that i get to do it