He Said So

so grateful to feel more and more
aware of how i feel and the thought patterns that
create my life so grateful to be aware
that it’s those patterns that create and i can
choose to create any version i want

i love hanging out with you
i love positive feedback i love feeling like
my work is valuable
and valid

i love having my work validated
i love signing i love that singing
can always lift my mood i love that i know
my mood is my work i love that i’m
seeing signs of improvement i love that i
get to do the work in this here and now

i love that i am brave enough to be who i am
to do the work my work and feelthe
feeling of god when i do it i love
feeling expressive
i love being able to fully express myself

i love making art!!
i love that i am an artist and that i get to
allow myself i love that
i get to allow myself to feel good
about life that i get to allow myself
to feel good about life i love
that i get to do the work
right here and now i love
that the work
is always flowing through mei love

i love doing the work i love
doing the work i love
feeling good about life i love
feeling good about life i love

doing the work i love
doing this work i love that i know this
is my only work i love
taking the big leap into

the infinite mystery

i love feeling good about myself i love feeling good about my life

i love doingthis
this work and getting to know my god
self i love that it always comes
no matter what i love that life

wants to help me i love that ikow that
life is on my side i love that i know life is on my side
i love that i know i don’t havet o



all i can do is relax and enjoy
this here and now all ica n

i love doing the work i love
the power of the focus and i love
allowing life to flow through me i love
doing the good work i love that
life loves me i love

feeling good about myself i love
feeling empowered by life i love

expecting the best i love the
feeling of

expecting the best i love the
feelig of looking for the best and
expecting it to happen
i love knwoing that

knowing that i can always feel t
that feeling again i love that
i know

it’s me

not the situation i attract
as a result of it and i know

my work helps people

and that’s the best i could
ever hope for i kow my work
i know my work helps people and i love doing
thew ork i love

i love having fgood
good ideas i ove having
good dreams i love that
i can always be by

my best self i love tha ti
get to create the
version i love
that i get to

i love that i get to choose
i love that i get to ssay

wouldn’t it be nice
and then it is so nice

i get to choose i get to say
wouldn’t it be nice and the
it is

i am
feeling the power of me

today i am feeling the power
of me

today i am allowing the power of me
to do the work and most of a


i am believing in the power of me
today i believe int he power
of me and that’s the secret ingredient

today i am embracing the power
of me today i am celebrating the power of
me and knowing that

all i have to do is ask

god told me
i can have everything
i ever wanted as long
as i get out of the way
as long as i stop thinking

negative thoughts about
myself as long as i stop
resisting it

god told me
i can have everything
i ask for as long as i never
think another negative thought
about myself

as long as i believe
it is coming god
told me

He Said So

happy to take the big leap
happy to let that go and know that
i created you

i created that moment and i can
easliy create it again
i know that


and i love how far i’ve
come i love that i know

doesn’t make you ahppy

people don’t make you happy





i love that i know this
i love that i know this i lov
that i get to feel the feeling i love
that i get to feel the
feeling of what i want and jus tallow

allow it to come i love
that i’ve been seeing the magick!!!!

i’ve been seeing evidence of the miracles

in every moment

because i am doing the work
i love who i am
in this

here and now i love
feeling compassion i love who i am
in this here and now
i love tha i get
that i get to feel good i love
that i get to
celebrate life

i get o feel the feeling
as if it already is and that
is the mgaick

magick of life


wouldn’t it be nice
but i don’t have to care
it would be nice

but i don’t care

wouldn’t it be nice
wouldn’t it be nice
wouldn’t it be nice

i love that life
loves me i love that ther e
is always more than enough i love
that there is

always more than enough i love
tha ti get ot
get to feel good i love
where i am righ now i love

where ia m right

i love that i know
i love that i feel the
feelig of knowing

within me

that i am the creator!!
i love feeling free i love feeling
free to do the work and knowing
that the work

is this

this is the work
and i don’t have to
be afraid

of what it brings

i know that life always
brings me the best possible
i love that
we have a new hot water heater!!!

i love that we live in luxury i love
tha tlife loves mu su il

us i lovethat ther eis alway s
mre tha

more than enough and
i kow that

tha tlife loves me i love
that i am

allowed to be grateful for it