i know that i can and that
is the version i focus on today
i focus on what i want to see
unwaivering focus
on the good in life the magick
of life the knowing that
i am god today i focus on knowing
that i am god and celebrating this life
i turn the boat i turn
the focus and focus onw hat i
what i want
and how i want to feel i focus
on how i wnat to feel
i focus on how i want to feel i focus
i focus on how i want to feel
i can breathe i focuson i focus on my
bod sel
god self i focuso n my my god self ifocus
on my gos
god self and feeling good if ocus
on my god self and feelig go
feeling good i focus on my god self i look
toward my god self i look toward my god self
toward my loving self and let the rewst go
rest go
today i am brave enough
to let the whole thing go today i am
brave enough to let the whole ting
thing go everything that
has ever happened to me and today
i focus on thankyou on hwat
what is good on what i know ion
letting it all god and
knowing that i
i never have to try
because life
already is the way i want it to
be and i love that iknow this i love that
i get to celebrate this day i love tha
i get to tfeel
to feel good toedy
today i love that i get to enjoy thisy da
this day i get to feel good
in this here and now
calm in this here and now i love that
i know i can do it i can feel gca
calm in this here and now
i loet
let go of everything of trying to control anything
i CAN breathe
i definitely can i am definitely able
and iknow that
i kow that only thoughts can
cut of the flow the flow of well
being that is always there
that is a
is always flowing at it
s owbn pace the flow is always flowing
and my only job is to count
my job is to get out of the way
andlet it
today i am letting today i am letting
it flow today
i am shedding the skin today
i am waking up in the dream
i look for reasons to celebrate today i look
for easons
reaons to feel good today i a
allowing the breath to flow thorugh me
through met oday i am
allowing life to flow through me an di know
that i’ve let that go i lov a
that i kno i can do it and
it’s alreayd done
i love that i know it’s alreayd done
it’s already done
i love that it’s a good day
because i made it i love that i know
i am the creator i love feeling good a
bout myself i love
making the choice to enjoy life for me
to carve new paths todyay
it feels good to carve new paths
of loving and nejoying
enjoying life and know i
i know it is my birth right
to enjoy my life to dy
to enjoy this yda
day to take the big leap into the day i k
i know it’s my birth
right i know it’s my vir
birth right to enjoy my life
to enjoy this
day and i don’t havet o allot
anything to stop me i love doing me
trusting the
feeling og
of me i love trusting the feeling of
me i love feeling good i love
feeling the flow flow
through me i love
feeling good celebrating me celebrating
my birth right now
knowing that fun
is my birth right
enjoyment is my birth right
and today i practice the
feelings i want to feel and the
thoughts i want to feel
to think i love
feeling uplifted in my life
i love feeling good in my life
i love that i know it’s only
ever me and i get to enjoy life
for me i get to do it
for me i know it’s only e
ever me and i get to enjoy life
for me i get to nejoy
enjoy life for me i get to nejoy
enjoy life to
i getto
to love me i get to enjoy life i lo
get to look for reasons to feel good and know
that life can only refelcts
reflect me and i know that this
is theo nly work and this is the weay
i love celebrating me i love
celebrating my
i know it’s only me iknow it’s
only me and i get to decide how i feel
i love that i get to choose how i feel i
get to choose ho iw feel i
get to enjoy this day i get to have
fun i
get to haverun
fun i get to do me i g
et to do me to enoy
enjoy my life for me
take the big leap into
enjoy life
enjoying life and
wake up
from the fog
shed the skin
of oppression
of fear
of wondering
shed the skin
of doubt
and step into mky tru
my true self i love that
i get to celebrate his
day i love
that life i sgood
i love that
life is good i love
that i
get to celebrate that
it can only reflect me i love
i know that it can only
reflect me and i get to teust the
i tust
trust that i trust th feeli
the feeling i get to
trust lie
i CAN breathe
it’s ther e
and the
only thign
that would ever stop it
is me i know that the
only thing stha t
that could
stop it
is me