today i woke up feeling grateful

i woke up thinking “i have something to live for!”

i have something to be grateful for!

i actually woke up feeling grateful!!

feeling at ease feeling goodin my life
today i

woke up feeling calm
woke up feeling grateful woke up saying

thank you today i woke up saying thank yo0u
and i actually thought to myslef

i have something to live for becaue my life
is going well and i know that i felt that way

from doing the work from practicing the way i wa

want to feel because i’ve been practicing the way i want to feel
and it worked!
i woke up feeling calm like like was perfectly
flowing through me and i know

it’s true!

i know that life loves me i know that life loves me i know that life
loves me so much

i love that i know life loves me so much
i love that i know the vortx i

vortex is my drug i love that the vortex is my drgu

drug i love that i feel free i love
that i’ve let that go i love that i am awake in the
dream and i know it

was only ever me and i can
choose to love that

expression of self and i know that

life can only


reflect me iknow that life
can only ever reflect me andi feel
calm and knowing in this here and onw i

i know that lie

life can only ever affect me
iu love i love that i feel calm and knowing
in this here and now i love that
i fee g

feel good about life i love that i know
is good in thi

this here and now the here and now
is my vortex the vortex is my energy
the eenrgy


i love looking in the mirror
and looking fresh

looking beautiful
looking rested lookin g


i love feeling the energy of life flowing
through me and knowing that this life
energy is all there is i know that
all that mattes is

is the focus on who i am
and knowing that i am the creator
and letting everything else go

because i know that every



is rigged in my favor

i know that
everything in life is rigged in my favor

today i woke up feeling good!!

and i know that it’s working i love that
it’s working i know that it’s working

i love believing in the magick of life
i love loving my life i love that today isa good

a good day i love thati have the
best job ever i love that i have the best client
ever i love that life is good i love that life is good i love
that life is good i love that
i lov that

i lover

i love waking up feeling good i love wakig up
feeling good i love that today

i love feeling the high vibration i love
waking p feel feeling good i love

wakig up feeling calm i love
feeling good in my life

i love that my first thought was

i have something to live for i love
that there is so much to be gratefl for
in this here and no i love that

CAN breateh

i love that i CAN breathe
i can breathe i can breathe i can breate
i can breathe i can breathe

i love feeling good about life i love
that i know the magick o flife i love
that i gt to

to celebrate right now i love
that i get to celebrate this day i love
that i get to create this

day how i want it i love tht i get
that i get to love i love that i know that
all i can ever do is focus on love and

practice the feeling i want to feel
i am aware of how i feel and i am ware that

i get to feel good i get to feel good
i get to enjoy and be grateful for my life i love
that there is so much to be gratefl for

i love getting up early i love that
the focus in my energy

the vortex is my life
energy and i love that i kow this
i low

i love that i can refuse to suffer i love the
better it gets i love the better it
gets i love that i know
i never havet o worry
i never

have to woner i l

wonder i love that i
get to choose love i love
that ther eis

is so much to love i love tha
i love my self
i love doing thiw s

this work and knowing this
is the ony work this
is theo nly work vibration is
the only work

vibration is the only work
and i love tha ti know this
i love that i’s

easy i love that i know i ond’ th
have to change i love that i kow

i am already perfect i am
already perfect
it’s just a mtter

matter of looking at and seeing
that perfection i love feeling the god
feeling rise up inside of me i ove
feelig the
the god feeling i love that
i know the

vortex the vortex

is my energy the vortex is my drug
and i love feeling the feeling of choosing the vortex

of choosing

awareness i love doing the work th

this work andletting go of the rest
i love that i can

fully jump into this day il ove
that life is good i love that

i love that i know life loves me i love
that i kow life loves me i love that
i get to choose i love that i get to
choose to have a great day i love
that i get to choose i love that
i get to choose to put the rst dow

down and celebrate this day
knwoing that

knowing that everything is going to
go my way knowing that
everything is always rigged in my favor

i ove tat i kno
i love that i know i

i’m not the one



it’s all god.