i can do it!

i can i am i am i am

i am

i know who i am what i am and the way i want to feel and i know the
the true measure of success

for me

is how i feel if i feel good in my life
if i love my life if i love my life if i love my life

then i am successful and if i love my life
or not

is up to me
i get to choose i get to choose to
how i feel i get to choose teh version i create

i get to choose

to remember the feeling is the secret and i get to choose teh
feeling i get to choose teh feeling of me i
am the creator me

of me and that’s all i can do
if i want love

then i become love and that is only way
to see it is to be it and i know this i know that i am
the source

always have been always will be and its not the
person or the situration
i want but the feeling and the feeling is
always right here with me

tis the feeling of yes

so grateful to remember who i am and that
feeling is

and that feeling is the secret

so grateful to remember who i am naturally
and that i never have to change
that it’s only ever me and that it only

ever reflects me
so grateful the better it getsr so
grateful to choose wh

where i place my fcous

so grateful to remember who i am
and that i know that
god is always playing hide and go
seek and so grateful to find myself
againt o rememb
to remember who i am again
and to remember that nothing is missing
and everything already is

so grateful to remember nowhitn gis
iss missing
and the feeling is the secret so g

so grateful to remember the feeling is

thank you thank you thank you
for the realization for the knowing for the
feeling and the ability to choose it
the ability to
get out of the way thank you
for the

ability to get out of thew ay
to remember who i am so grateful to remember who i am
to remember who i am
to rememb

i’m here now i’m back i’m back
and i remember who i am thank god thank god
i had a moment but wow it helped me remember

so much more who i am it helped me
remember how i want to feel and who i am
and how i want to feel about myself and the
vision i have for myself
and that is that ia m an artist

i am creating and that’s all i can do i love that
i know this and i can relax in this knowledge

i can relax in the knowledge that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow the radiation of creative energy which is
easily and effortlessly pouring forth from my divine

i am now aware i am now in the flow

i remember who ia m and i remember the feeling
of life i know the feeling of life

i know the feeling of life i know the
feeling of life and to feel that feeling
is the only success i love that i know that
and i get to choose it i get to choose it i get to

choose how i feel i get to choose the life
i create and i get to ride that wave i get to

so grateful to get to remember who i am
to get to remember wh i a

who i am to feel the flow to remember who i am

i am the feeling and the felt

i am the feeling and the felt

i am the flowing and the flow
i am the flow and the water
i am the flow and the


i am conductor and the conducted

so grateful to remember who i am
to feel the flow to feel free
to be able to breathe
so grateful to feel good

to feel the flow flowing throgh me
to feel good now to feel the flow now to

to feel good now to feel the feeling now

and know that is all there is

to know i already have want

what i want and to focuso n what i have that is good

to look for what i want to see and so
grateful i know that is my power i know htat

that is my power i know that is my power
and so grateful ig et to feel it
i get to feel it and then it is

i get to feel it and then it is
i get to feel it
and then it is and i’m so grateful to remember that to know the truth
to remember the truth
to get to feel the truth
os grateful to get

to remember the truth to

that i get to like myself that i
get to enjoy life that i get to use my power

i get to use my power and i know that nothing
in the past matters a

all that matters is the work right now
all that m

matters is the work right now the work here and now
the feeling here and now

all that matters

is the feeling here and now the
feeling here and now the feeling here and now

and i know the secret to life i know the

to life and it feels so good to have the

scream from my finder

to want to do this work and
feel its effects
to want to feel good to feel the
feeling of liking myself

to disassosciate

from the past to let that all go dna

and feel hw i want to feel right now
and i’m so grateful i get to do that
the f

the keys feel like butter again
they feel like they are slipping from my fingertips

rather than
my fingertips slipping into them