i can do it

i can find the god inside me i know god is here i know god is me
i know tog

i know god is me and if i miss here i miss my vortex
that’s all it its that is theonly thing
i could ever miss is my vortex and i know its i


it’s onl

the only thing ever missing is god i know the only thing missing is god i know this
only the only thing i could me

be misisng is god is

and if
i’m missing god then that is why i would feel like this

no other reason

becausee i know god is lavish i knwo gos i

god is lavish unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent subsntacce of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is individualized s me

the reality of me

i have fond t
i have found the secret to life and can relax in the knowledget aht
that the activity of divine abundance

eternally operating in my life
i know the feeling is here and

i know the feeling is always here the
bliss is always here the

awareness is always here

the awareness is always here
i am aware

i kow that
is all ther eis
i kno i dont need anything outside of me i know that
i dont

need anything outside of me i know that i dont need
anything outside of me i know that

life loves me i kno
i know that i know t
that god loves me i know that i mg od

i know that ia m god i and i know that tahe feeling
of god is always right here with me i love that
i get to choose it i love that ig et to choose me i love that

i get to choose not caring

i get to feel the feeling here and nowo i get to
to feel the feeling here and now i get to feel my

vortex here and now ant h

that is the only thing i cold ever miss

i get toc hoose my vortex here and now i get to feel the
vortex here and now i get

i get to feel the feeling here and now i get to choose
the vortex and

here and now the vortex here and now

i know i know the feeling i know the feeling of alignmenti

i know the feeling of the choice of
rmemebering everything is a choice i know the
feeling of knowing

everything is a choice every m
feeling is a choice

every awareness is a choice

every projection of my conscciousness is a choice
and so i get to choose how i feel ga

about that i love that i get to choice

choose how i feel about that i love hat
i dont care

i love that i am totally confidnet
in letting go and letting god appears as

as the abundanct all sufficiency in my life and affairs

i am letting go and letting god appear as the abundant
all sufficiency in my life and affaris

i love that i get to choose me today i love that
ig et to choose teh flow today i love that

i get to let it go today i love that i get to let it
go today i love that

i get to choose the flow i ge tto choose the flow
i get to choose teh

the feeling i love that i g

dont care about aht
i love that it

it’s so easy not to care i love that it
it’s so easy to not care
it’s so easy to trust
liife i love that its’

so easy to trsut life
i love the

the feeling is always right here its right below
the level of thinking someo

something else brought about the feeling and
the feeling is missing now so it must be them

but i know is not them its me i know its

its not htem its me i know the
feeling ofme i know

i know its i know its me i know the feeling is of me i know th

i know the feeling is of me i know he feelign is sof

of me

i love that i get to feel the flow of life
i love that i get to feel the

maigck i love that i know the magicck
is me i love that i nkow the

i love that i know the maigkc

the magick is me
if i dont feel it then something is blocking it

i love tha i nkow th

i lov ethat i love that a

i love the power of em i kow the power of me and i know its not
outside of me i know there’s nothing missing
i know that whan

what i think in eed i can’t

get from anything else i kno

my awareness
understanding and knowledge
of the all providing acciti

activity of the divine mind within me
is myk supply

my awareness
and knowledge
of the all providing
activity of the divine mind within me

is my supply

i get to feel good
i get to feel the vortex i get to get int he vortex nd the

i get to say yes i know that when i ask it it is

immediately i know hat when i feel the feeling life
follows right away

i know that everything i ask for is givine
i know

i know that when i ask it is given

i know i am loved i know i am appreciated i know that life
is always taking care of me i know that i never have to wonder

i kno wthat life is on my fis

side i know that life is always on my side i know that life is only my side
i knot hat life is working out perfeclty for me i know that its


its the feeling its reht

the revelaing of the bliss within g

that’s the only way to find the feeling i seek
it will never come from outside of me

it always comes from within
it always comes from within