the work alawys works

and i dont have to care i get to feel good about myself
and my reality and the god self
that is me

i get to love the god self that is me
i get

i know that no matter wha i have my bliss
i know that m
no matter what i have my bliss and i get to chosoe it
i love that i know that i get ot cchoos my

the work always works the work alays works
the god self is always right here

the memory of the true self is alwys right here with me
i loe that i know that i

have fun no matter what i love that ig et ot have
fun no matter what i love that

that i know i am the god self
i get to feelt he way god would feel i get

feel the way god would feel

i acccept everything that is
i accept change

i welcome change i welcome change