i can do it

i can focus i can fcous for fifteen minutes
and fel the truth feel the truth
and it sode

doesn’t even take that long just sti d

sit down and focus onf for fifteen minutes
there’s no rush to feel this
this is he most important
part and there’s no need to rush through it

just focus on it for a frew minutes

i dont want to write

the word fifteen
its so hard to type haha

the one and only truth and its a feeling
my power and its a feeling its s devotoin

devotoin to the feeling is all there is and all
i can ever hope to do is lose the mind and get
out of the way that is teh only goal
the only goal is to get out of the way compltely
and just watch


that is the only goal
the only goal is to feel that i exist the only goal is to feel that i

that i exist the only goal is to know that i exist

the only owrk is the feeling
and i knwo that all i can do is remembe that is practice

and allow it to be as easy as it is
practice and allow it to be as easy as it is

really is
that easy and i nkow tis that easy that
is all it ever is

its’ only eer the
feelin its only ever
the feeling its only ever the feeling
its only
ever the feeling

its only

ever the feelign driving everything
and it really is that easy to flip th
the switch every time
ask mysle fhow i want to feel
feel that way and life

and that is exaclty how life
wrosk never the way

the other way around life never changes
until the feeling changes feel how you want to feel
first and then life sre


the feeling is all ther eis and the feeling
is my power the feeling is the poweer
my power

leaving hte mind is my only power i knwo my power i now the
power of me

i know the power of me i know th epwoeer of m
of me i now the ower

of me and is choosing the feeling now its choosing
the feeling now i know the power of me and its choosing the
feelign now

i know the pwer of
the power of me and

i know the power of me i choose the power of me and

i choose this work
because it sowrk si choose this
work becuase

because it works because
this wrok is real and i know because ive

the only thign is reo
to rmember to remembe that’s a
all there am

i aware of the turht the one adn
and only truth and i

understanding the one and onlly truth
nd that is the only question to ever ask

it’s possible to always feel at ease
its possible to live in th background

its possible its

possible its possile its possible
o just obbsever not of it matters just observe and choose how
i want to

choose how i eel ch
choose how i

thi is the only wrk
my attention is m only resource


my attentoin is my only
currency i know this i know what
i focus on i create more of i know its
true i know tis true
i know its tru i know its the one and only

truth i know what i belive i see i knwo what i beieves i see
i lvoe that i fet ot
get to feel it no
i dont hve to wait i choose it now ad that’s that
the ony work i choose it noww
and ia
and that’s the only wrok
i choose it now and that’s the only wrok i

i love that i get to i love that i get to

feel the truth m
feel my power

feel my power now feel the feeling i exist

that’s all there is