i truly don’t have to care

i dont have to care i can choose to
care i can choose to care but id ont
have to care i never havet o care i can fal

follow the caring i can follow the arin
caring to the true source

i dont need it i dont need anything from
anyonwe ive

ive been here already and i

all ic an ever do is say yes and thank
uo follow it to the source and

choose my own power that’s nice
because i dont need it that
that’s nice because i dont need it

i dont have to care and that’s my power
my power is that id o
dont need it from someone else i choose my

own god self i already have my own power
i alrady ha
i have my power
own power id ont need someone elses and ive been here before

and i say thank you thankyou
for helping me rememberint ht
thank you

thank ou for helping me
remembering have

i have my own power nd its time to choose
my own power id ont
need anything from ayone and that feeling that
feeling leads me back to the source

the feeling of the feeling of feeling
like i need something from someone
is what
will lead me back to
my sourcce what
what leads me back tot he soruce of my power
i alrady h

have my po
own power and it reminds me to use it
it reminds me to use it
its the contrast that helps me focus

thank you for reminding me
thankyou for
for reminding me of my power
own power pi n
i knwo it i knwo it sm
more than
her i know it more than anyone
why would i wnat oer from someone
when i
have my own

my power is i dont need anyitn
gn from anyone just choose the
way i want ot feel how would i prefer to feel about it
all i can do is accept it
be happy for them

be happy for them be happy for them
be happy for them
be happy

for them dont

lose my mind
i dont have to think about it
i don
i dont have to think about it
i don thave
to think
about it i

i dont have to think about i
dont have to think about it dont

have to thinka bout it i get ti
to say ys thank you yes thank you thank
yes thank you yes thank you yes

thank you building my own
energy building my own enery

buildilng my own eneryg thank yo
for remindingm e the
the source of my own power to focus on
to focus on mbuild
building my powern of
thank you
tank you

for reminding me

but why why do i care

why why do i care
becuase i feel left out
becuase i feel shat on becaue
i feel inferior i feel unloved
like no one wants to give me anything
one want s to recog nize me
its so lame its so embarrassing

that’s the real problem that i reacted and im embarassed
another example of how shes the favorite it just make s
me feel like chopped liver

makes me feel less
liek not an

why do i want to care why do i
hve to create problems i dont have to create problems
i dont have to allow thouths
thoughts to weight on me
i can

drop all of it that you
god fhor
for reminding me for showing me that its all
you that its
all god its never anything else and that’s the
feeling i prefer i nkow

there’s no neccesary problems
becuase she loves her and not me

that’s why i cn because she doens’t love me
becuse she wants to give something to
someone else it means she doest love me
it measn
im not worthy of love its means
a loser because someone else didn’t validate me

i know that’s not true i nkow tis in the mind
i nkow its made up its not even true and i now
i know i don thae to turn

turn it into a thing i know i dont have
to turn it into a thing

i kno this i knwot his i nkwo this
i nkow its

only ever me its never them its me
and i now that i know that i now its

so easy tno
not to care it doesn’t affect me it

its so easy to not care
caring wont get me anywhere
it wont change anything

and it helps me remember who has the upper hnd
who is god i know that ia mg od so i
just get out of the way i dnt
have to make anything

just get out of the way

get out of the way id ont have to do anything
just get out

its never them its nevver goign to be them
its me its how i see myself
its how i see my life ists how

its how i see myself its how i see my life
i can always choose to feel how iw atn to feel
and feel it and that is my power
thank you for remidnign

me to focuson my
on my own power the poweer of allowign the power of feelign
the power of getting out of the way
thank you for helping me focuson my

my own power of allowing for focusing on my own power

the feelign i seek is lways right
here and nits never outsie ofme and life
helps me remember that life hels me see that
im s

so grateful to not have to react i never have
to react id ont have to react jjust see and move on

who cares i never have to care i neer have to
care id nt

i dont need naything from
anyone i can just be happy for peole