i can only trust the flow

i can only trsut the feelng of me i know that
when i say it is i s
its ies

i knowthe feeling i knwot hat i can trust the
feeling and i know that only ican feelthe

the feeling of me iknow that ive een there

and i know its a fitness like everything else

i believe in myself and i believe in the feeling

i elievve in myself and i
believe in he feeling

its easy to feel the feelin
torelease everything

remember the feeling of m its
esay to remember the feeling of me
to rpacctie the
feeling of me tis eay to practice
the feeling of me its eay t

to practice the feeling of me

to relese eveyrthing th
else it o

ti s

its so easy to feel good its so g
easy to feel good its easy to feel good

its so easy to feel t
good to trsut it and know
then know its true that

that’s the part i need to return to the
truth of the

the feeling of ethe way i see myself
i knwo that the way i see myself is all that matters
i kow that
the way

i see mysel fis all that mattes
i lvoe that
i know that
this i love thati
that i know this

i love that i know thsi i love that i know thsi i love tha t
i can choose it i love that i
get to vhoose the feeling

its up to me the version of myself
i choose and no one
can change that no

no one can change that i know that is up to me
how i see mysle

myself and i thank go i thnk god for helping me
see that i know that life loves mi
i know that life love

me i know the feeling of me i know the power of me i know the

i know the

i foudnt eh secret to life
i know for sure
i know t

i know the truth i know nothing is outside of me

i know

i know its me i now its me

and i love that i can fix it within i love
i know that i can feix i

it within

i love that i can let it all god i love
i love that i know that’s all it is i love that i knw life

reflects me i love tha i kow i

get to choose it now i get to choose it now
i get to choose i get t oc

to choose not to care i ch

get to choose not to care i get to choose
not the
to care t

not to care

i love that i get to choose teh
feeling the feeling

the feeling the
feeling i love that
i get to

choose the feeling
the feeling

the feeling the feeling
the feeling

i get to choose the feeling
i get
to choose teh feeling

the feeling first the

first the power of me jsut
remember the ow of

just remember the power fo me
let everything be a reminder of the power of me

let everything be a reminder of the power of em

i get to choose it and i love ht a
i get to i love that
i get to h

choose the poer

the pwoe of me i know i know the power of me
and i choos it now i feel fromt he pal c

all i can do is feel from the place
all i can
is feel from the plave

all i can do is feel from the place

all i can so

do is feel from the place and
i love that its getting easier
i love that im
back i love that ‘m

back in control of how i feel i know
that i let it go i know that ive

ben holding on to htings
i n
i knot w

i know that its all vibraation
i know that ive known this efore
and its so esy to revisit

i love that its ea to learn
every tiem i love tha t
i nkow tis all a

of me ig et to do it

its too eay and thats why i had to forget
for a minute but i remember again
and i can relax in that knowledge

and i say thank you for the inspiration
i say thank you for the love i say thank you
for the god self i g

i celebrate the god self and i get to myself

because ic an
becuase im good at it and i trust the
feeling i nowt i

its that easy to feel good and i know t
its the feeling

its always he feeling and i have to make
the choice i have to make

the choice i have to make the choice

i release everything and relax into love

realeas everything and relax into love

release everything and releax into love i
feel the feeling he and
here and now its so

easy its too easy to
rememeber its only me and ec

celebrate it its too
easyt o remember its only
me and

celebrate it
its too eay

to let it all go to shti
wrok tao memebeho i am to

to reelase th

to reelase
it all to release that thought pp

pattern to choose love instead
to chooe


tis to eay to let it go
to chooe love to

choose appreciation
choose it to say

i can do it in the air i can

clip the swithc
and i love that i get to

i love that i get to flip the switch

reelase it all and feel the
certainty of me i kow im

i kow the powe of me i know tis a fitness and
mthe more i feel for it

the easier it is ft
to find i know i’m always getting everything iw ant
and i can trust that feeling