its eay to flip the switch

its easy to feel grateful it

its esay to rleaes the tension a
nd sureen

surrender to what its

its easy to release the tension
its eay to flip the switcch
tis s


asy to let everythong go
and just feel god its

its esay to flip the switch its easy
to say yes its

easy to say yes its
esay to say

yes its esy to say yes its easy
to say eys its ey a

easy its easy

its easy to release all of it it e
its easy to have fun if ia want tit s

tis seay to hae fun
tis eay t
o release its esay
to feel good

tis easy

its easy
easy t

to no longe give my power



im here

why am i here

because i have to do something i dont wnat to
and im trying to talk myself
into it

becaue im doing something
i dont want to do

becuase i put

becuaes i gave aay my power
and no im in too deep


but i am waar
and i take back my power i take back my power
and the particcles will take

care of the rest
i know m

i am my source and im taking mb
ba k my power

i surredner to the flow

i take back
my power i surrender to the flo
and i

tae back my power

i’m here i’m here because im

at the manifestaion
i created
im mad that im bet

getting everything i created

i know that everything reflects me
so i get t

to choose the feeling
inside of me

today im trusting the feeling
today i trust the feeling

the feeling the gut feeling today
it rust my gut feeling

i trust my intuition

i tust the feeling it rust the flow
i decide to feel grateful

i decide to feel grateful i de

i focus on feeling grateful for the life i have

i focus on feeling grateufl
for everything that have

all i can do is feel gratitude

all i can do is feel abundant
all i can

do is feel abundant

i know i can do it i know i can stand up for m

me for my vortex
for myself

for my wok i know

i know that its

i am the sourcce

no matter where i am
i can feel good i can feel good

no matter where i am

what feels better
what feels better

hat feels better