i get to choose yes

its easy to choose the focus
to choose the having of it its

easy to choose the having of it its
easy to choose the feeling of it
and know tis true
its true chwan
when i choose it its easy to choose the one and only

when i tr

raslly focus on what i know i knwo that im
never nervous i nwo that life is alway s

working out for me i kow that life is always
working out for me i nkow that life

always working out for me i know that
life is lavish unfailing abundance
i know this
i know this for a fact through life experienc e
i know this

for a fact through life
experienc ei now
i knwo this i kno w

know the one aodn ly power i knwo the own and one aond ly

i know the one aodn
and only truth i know the one and only
feeling i now the one and only o
feeling i know the one ad
and only truth
i know the secret to life

i have found the secret to life ad can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance is

eternally active in my life

i know this i nkow this is true
i nkow for sure i nkwo wh

when i choose it and i believe it
it is i knwo this i know for sure
i know hwen i believe it its treu

the feeling ia m
is all there is

the feeling i am is all there is
the magic of life is the only poweer

is the only force the magic
of life is the only force

is the only power the magic of life is the only

thank you thank you thank you
thank you

thank you thank you is the only feeling
thank you

is the only
the only power thre’s only

one pwoer i love that i know there is
only one power and i am in ture
in tune with it

i get to think about and creat what i want
not what id ont want

that only

the only feeling is thank you
the only feeling is thank yo
the only

effort is awareness the only effort is awareness
the only effort is awareness
the only effort is awareness

nd knowledge of that

the all providing activity
of the divine mind within me is my supply

i kow the one aodn
and only power and the only work
is remembering that the only work is
remembering that i nkow thsi i know the work
is in the air i know that when i land on somehting
i can believe it comes

right aware i know the only work
is awreness

i know the only work

is awareness i nkow the only

effort is awareness

i am

i reelase the tensoin of
looking outward
i allow life
i know that life reflects the world within
i know this i now this
i nkow that life reflects the
worlds with

within i knwo that the feeling is always right erhea
dno w
and now i nkow that the feeling is always firgh
right here and now