i know devotion

i know the feeling of devotion i know the feeling of
letting everything else god and jumping into the god realm i knwo there is no
between me and life i love tha ti nkwo this

all phasese
end i love that i knwo i can st
trut life to unfold perrfectly i knwo the owrk
work shte feeling works that its only
ever the feelign its o
only ever the feeling

i know the secret to life and t
its that there is no seprate self
i allow life to flow through me
and i never have to wonder i allow life
to exist and i never have to wonder
if ocus in this
here a

and now and i never have to wonder i relsae
i release the feelign of separteness

i release attachemnt and i love tha ti ge to i l
lovet he feelign of intense focus i love that i nkw tis ocme sna
goes i lo
i know that all of life ias and in and out
an out i lvoe that i get ot feel it i love tha ti get to
feel ti i i love that i
get to feel it i love that i
get ot feel it i ilove tha ti
get ot feel the flow now

excited about life i love that i ge tto love
i love that i get to have posositve expectaitons

i feel the certainty of oneness
with life i feel the ceatiny

i love that im letting it go i love
that id ont care hwta happens i love that
life is good i lvoe that life
is easy i love that i now life is alwys on em

my sid i love that i can i know i can do it i can
i know all
ill always arrive back ata
self i know ill always gett
there without rytin i knwo its alwya
right her ethe sen of th
sellf is right her eand it seveything i know

am eveything i love how far ive come i lvoe how much ive learned i love

how much has been shown to me about myself i love that i nkow
lfie is
is alwy sjut showing me who i am what i am llife is always show mw

i lvoe that i now the truth
and i get to feel it i get to feel the oneoens
with life
knwoign all

i can ever do is ask who am i
all i can ever to

i love trusting life i love
trusting life i now
i love knwoing the ufodling i love trthing
the unfolding

i just want to feel good in my life i just
want to enjoy my life i just
want ot be

feel happy i this moment and i now th
that’s all i can do is enjoy this moment
all i can do is feel it now i know

i know the feeling and im feeling it i know the
feelign and i feel ti i feel the feeling i feel the
feeling i want to feel i feel the feelig iw ant to fee

to feel i feel the feeling iw ant to feel
i h
feel how iw ant to
to feel and i dont need anything else i feel how i want to feel
and i dont need

anything else i feel how i want
to feel i feel how iw ant to feel i feel how iw atne to
to feel i love mys

life i apprecitate my life

ifeel the god self the fulls elf the turs
tre self

i feel the tue

treu seefl the non septe slef that itsa all me self its me its all me

tis all me its all me its me me
it onlye ve ever show sme me and i nwo this i nwot his i knwot hie
there is nothing sepaeate from me i knwot hi neve rhave to worry becasie tis all me
its not speraa tae frmom
me its a game an aillustin an doutpeicture ing
i knwo this i nkow this

its no sepater ethere is no
other person

there is no other person
there is no
other person there is no other person
there is no outside

there is no outsice circumstance
its me and that is my power

theres no other person

whats going toh appen is going thappen
i and
i nkow this i nkow thi cna make
anything happen with my f
feeling i can jsut feel good an d
allow whats going to ahpend

i dont make things happen
i do
but that
as s a didffent story lk

i knwo i nwo i know oi nkow its me
i know it its me i nkow that life is good
i know tis how i see it i know

that i am alawys make the
maing the the choice i am always making the hcoic ei am a
walsy making the choice


always i loe makign the choice i love
feeling good in my lfe i love feeling complte
today i am complte

i am

switcch the mind to posotive
right now
ad i wno t
i know i can do i t
i h
dot have
to do
anything jsut w
reremember who ia m
remembe there
s tno

no separate i love that i nkwo i love that
i knwo i loe that i nwo
how life li
wrosk i know how life works i know how life
si w

i know the
how life worskkk have foudn

i have ffound the secret to life and can
relax in the knowledge
that that act

its never outside

there is no outside circumstance
i knwo ths
i know this i knwo thi

there is no outsie circumstance

there is no outside

there’s nothing outside
who am it

nothign really exists

i am