all there is is the feeling of god is proximity to god
and that feeling is all there is that feeling is li
i kno wthat that feeling is life i now that
thre is only one feeling and tis the onknowing that god isf lowing
perfeclty through me
i’m here
i’m here doing the only work
the self inspection woekr the
powerufl f
work the power of me rowek
twoek t
the power of me work the knowing work
the consciousness work the
conception of me work
so graetful for this day
so gaefu
for how far i’ve come
so grateful to
get to choose how i see myself
how i see my life
i choose it fis
i chose
hi chosoeet he feeling
the feleing and life follows and i know this
i’m here doing the feeling work the truning
withing work the p
proxiimtyt o
go god to god work i know ntohting
is ouside of me i know its me and i
get to celebrate it get to veel the
feel the v
the feeling of celebratinon
the feeling
of celebrate the feeling of celebration
i lvoe that i know i love that i now the
secret to life and never have to sonwer
donwer wonder i know th esecre
secret to life and never have to wonder i know
the secret to life and never have w
to coner
wonder i never havet o wonderin
i know tis all a ife
a feelig i know its all how i look at ti kn ow that
that’s all it ias i
i kno all life is is h
is how i look at a
it and i lvoe that i now i love that
i love that i
get to choose
i love that i know the truth i love that
our po
publisheer sanwa
want eveything we do i love that
wer’e li
wining i lvoe that ther soalwaya more than enough i love
being ahead il ove that thers always more an
than enough
i loe
love that i know the trht and i get to ride it i now the truth
i know the truth and i get to ride it i iloe that
i get to
allow life to come to me i love that
i get to do this wor i love that
i get to allow it i love tht
im here im here remembering its me
its not them its me
its my
proximity to god its my prosimi
proximityt o
i lcoe th
i love that i trust god i love that i trust god i lovee hta t
it rus
trust the powr of life flowing through me i love tha i know lie
is good
i’m here i’m here
doing what putting attention on the one truth
of how easy life is
i know how esy life is and i know the anser to
every question i nkow the answer to ever qution
is i am and i celebrate the feeling of it
i celebrate ht
the feeling of god loving me of god saying yes
of knowing ogd is on my siad of feeling it
of knowing it for sure i knwoing i cn
can be i am
where i am
i’m here doing what
turning focus bu
building focus and attetino
choosing not to care beacue i have iam
becauset he feeling is what dries life the
feeling is whate
dirves life
liife and today i get to build it i get to build the
feeling go
todayi get to build
milk the feeling today todyai feel good
today i am the souce of love today i feel cofident
tody i feel good today i feel god
i love that i know it alraedy
is i lvoe that i knwo
i love that i feel god with me
i love that i now it
already is i lovee that i
ge tto feel
the feeling with god here and now
the feeling
of unionn
the feeling of union with god here and now
the feeling
fo thatnk
thank you the feeling of yes the feeling
of it already is
i’m here doing what coming back to center to kknowing
to already having
to alraedy having to knwoign tog
god to knwoign god to knowing
ti already is
to knowing i already
ti already is now t
to knowin g
im hre knowing its already is
here driving with the feeling i m
hre driving witht he feeling im
here handing ita ll over to do and just
trusting the feeling
i am
i know that
the feeling iam the fe
im hree feelig it that it already
is knowing knowing
im here feling knwoing and allowing knowing
to permeat im
im allowing kknowing
to permeate im
allowing knowing to
permeate im
allowing knowing to permeate
everything and fee ti
feel it now feel it now
i love that it already is i love that life
is i love that life
already is i love that
im here knwoing that and i never have to wonder
just focuson feeling that feelng of knowing
of letting god of knowing god of steering my life there
is only onr focus and only one feeling and i know hat oe aid
is the only one to feel and i know
that life rspons
responds immediatedly
im here feeling the only feeling
feel it and then it is and i know that is theonly wrok
i know
i kow how to do it i know
exactly how to do it
just focus on ti
it and dont let anything get int hew ay
if thats what you want then take it
if ithat s wht you want thnallow it
allow it to come to you
i know its me i know its mei knwot i
its the feeling feelit and its is
eel it
feel it and it is th
and thatst heony truth