the i ma is all i am

i love that i know the i am is
all i am and i can feel it now i can always
feel it deeper i can always know it more

i can always allow life to unfold
i allow llife
life to unfold and then it does i choose
the feeling and then it is
its easy its
easy ti
tis eay to its easy to it
easy to

i choose the feleing fisrt

graeufl to be here g
grateufl for all the progress ive mad e
to feel better grateful to feel me
to feel god to now gdo

to know that its alway sgod that god is slawy
for me that the feeling the por
proximity to god isalways right here
and its ehte
the anser to ae
eveyrthing not caring is the anser to everyting ia m
is the ansery
to eveyrthing and the rest unfodl preser f

perfectly i love that i nwo ife is
life lif si unfolding perfeclty

tthe ia and i feel good reting in it
feel good goodno
i feel

god now i feel god
god now i feel

god now i feel
god now

i know that iam helps me todya
i know the
tha choosing
god and choosing not to care helped me
and i know that is hte

i know that choosing not to care is
the anser i know that i am
is all ther ias
is i knwo tha i knwo that ia m
is all ther eis ia nd i forget the
rst i know that ia m
is all a
ther is and forget the rest

the i am is all there is and i know this
all ic an do is focus on i am

the only work the only work theo nly work
the only focus

the feel ing of iam that
is the ou
only thought

what is the source of tought
the only thought is what is the source of thgou

i love that i get to feel it here and now
and then it is

instantly and constaltny
and i get to choose it i get to chooe it i get to
choose it ig et to

chooe it and then it is i get to take my owen
i get to feel good nwo i get to feel the flow now i get to feel good now
i get to

feel god now i know god know
no i know the feeling now