i know the game

i know the power of me and it always comes
know th iknow
i know that i opened myself up and then i got
what i activated

its like the thing i think
i can do the way i believe that it can come
but i can change my expectations around that

i love that i know that i can do that i know that i can
do that

i can do it i can do it
i can do it i can do it i can

yes thank you yes thank you
i know the game i know who i am
i know what i am
and i know that i am creating everything
and that i get to chosoe

choose in every moment
choose in every moment
i get to choose who i am what i am
i get to choose what i focus
on i get to choose

i know the game i know the game
and i knkow th

there is no

order of difficulty for miracles
i know that they’re all the same and that i’m a match
to all of them an di love that
i get to celebrate that right now
i love that i know

i love that i know the game
i know that
i opened myselfup to

to receiving
but in doing so i activated
not what i wanted
but what i thought
i could attain

what i thought was possible
the safe route or the

believable route

i activated what i could believe in
not what i actually wanted

which is truly eye opening to the

bigger picture

which is my ability to believe

i know the game and i know how to play it
i know that money is easy i know that

moeny is

money is easy i know that life
is easy i know that the flow is easy i know its all
easy i know i can celebrate it right now

its my choice what i loko for
what i activate
in my place of receiving
and its just so clear

i got it but i didn’t really want it
but it slike the
the stuff i really want

i don’t fully believe in
so its like the work
is more


is only

being able to believe in
the version i prefer
that’s all my work is
and i am allowing that believe
i am

allowing the knowlede
allow the knowledge i allow
i acknowledge
the infinite abundance within me

i open myself up to receiving in all ways

i feel good i feel better
with the focus i feel better
by going wihtin

i feel better i feel the fow i feel
i feel the flow i feel the flow

and i know the game i know the
i know that money isn’t my supply

my inner supply instantly and
constantly takes on form and experience
according to my needs and experiences and as the principle
of supply in action
it is impossible for me to have any

needs or desires

i know the game i know the game
and i know more than anything that i am
good at it

that’s all there is
decide and allow

its ot a b44

its never a matter of


on or off

on or off that’s all it is
i know the game i know the game i know the game

turn off the part of me
that believes in lack

that’s all there is that’s alll it it

it is

t is really quite easy
it is really quite easy

i love that i get to choose and
it already is i love that we
get to choose and it already is
i love that
i love that meditation is all there is

is all there is i love that im a match
i love that i know the game i love that
the game is always reflecting me
i love that i now

its either on or its off i love that
i know this i lov that
that its up to me to activate it

it’s only ever me i created
and jst as easily i can push it wa


i know the work
i know the work i kno
i kno the flow i knot h

i know the flow i know
i know the game i know the game
i now

i know the game i know the game
and that i get to decide

on or off

its here

are you

its here

are you???

i love that i get to decide i love t
eh ease
the ease and flow i love the
ease and flow i love the

ease and flowr

i love that i know
i can create anything i want i love
that i know i love that

is subjective i love that
it’s all working out i love
that i can believe in myself
in this

this right now

all i can do i sallow
is allow is get out of teh way
is create the version i prefer

is do this work is

remember wo i am
who i am
is to feel the
feel the focus
feel the focus

play the game
i know the game i know the game
i know

that is’ whatever
i activate

how i feel i know that life
shows up

as a print out of how i feel
i know this
i know this

first i feel it then i see it
and i know i know i know

i know its all a matter of focus
of where i put the energy and what i believe in
and getting out of the way

and knowing that it
already is

i know the game i know the game
i know the feeling and the

devotion to the feeling is all
there is in life and it’s not about

the thing
it’s about choosing the feeling
first and then you
don’t need anything else because you

already have the feeling you want.