i love myselft

means loving life as it is and not
needing anything to change
focusing on loving what is it feels good to focus
on loving what is and not
get wrapped up oin
in any thought patterns that lead me to create something
that i don’t want

so grateful to tune in to have a good day
to en
enjoy the day enjoy this moment enjoy this here and now
it feels good to enjoy this here and now

grateful to do this work
and feel good to tune in
tap in turn on it feels good to turn on
to tap in to feel good it feels good to feel good

to feel the flow to feel the flow
flowing through me it feels good to tap in
to feel for the flow of life
for the joy of life flowing through me

it feels good to enjoy life
flowing through me it feels good to
enjoy life flowing thorugh me

through me
to focus on life
life as it is right now and feel true
gratitude for it
to tap into the infinite abundance of me
to truly

focus on it to know it to know it
to know the knowledge
to know it sonly ever me

the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing its true nature
of abundance

this is its responsibility
not mine my only responsibility
is to be ware

aware of this truth

therefore i am totally confident in letting go
andl ett

and letting go appear as the abundant
all sufficiency in my life and affairs

the divine consciousness that ia m
is froever
forever expressing its true nature of abundance
this is its responsibility
not mine

my only responsiblity is to

be awre of this truth

therefore i am totally confident in
letting go and letting god appear as the abundant

i can feel some old feelings coming up
and that’s ok because i know today is a good day

to love myself to
feel good about myself to appreciate who i am
today is a great day to love me

today is a great day to love me and
where i am

it feels good to focus to focus on me
on the best of me on the best of me and

to not trouble myself with what others are doing
are thi
or thinking or feeling or being

and if i’m looking at others its a sign
i need to look within i know hat
that inside with

is the only place ill ever find what i seek

so grateful fort his for this day
for the love within for teh per
the perfection i know within
it feels good to choose mt o to choose
me to choose to love me

it feesl good to love to me
to know that the energy is always flowing through me
to allow that energy to flow it feels good
to allow that

energy to flow it feels good to love
me to love me to love there and now to love

the center of me

the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing its true nature of abundance

this is its responsibility
not mine

my only responsibility is
to be aware of this truth

therefore i am totally confident
in letting go andl etting god appear as the only

abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs

it feels good to tap into the
energy of me to feel good to love me to
love me it feels good to love
me to kow that

that i am the source
and the receiver i know its up to me

wher ei place my mind

where i place my mind
where i place my mind

i know ti’s up to me to decide

to decide to embrace the day to love
the day to allow god

i’m allowing god to fill that space
i’m allowing god to fee

fill that space i’m allowing god
to flow into me
to flow thr

through me i’m allowing god

to flow through me it feels good to allow
god to flow through me to feel good now
to feel good now

to feel the god self flowing through me
to make the choice to love myself
to care for myself

to like myself
to respect myself

to wnat to feel good and i nkow it s
just a reflection of

other things of my need to clean it up within
i can

i nkow that
when i’m feeling jealous

or attached

its because i’m looking for something
outside of me

i believe that i am incomplete
or that i did something wrong or
made wrong choices or that there is something

and it also feels so old vibration


i can’t believe that’s what i’m caring about
but i know its just the pain body rising and i can
always choose i can c

i am totally confident in letting go
and letting god appear as the abundant

all sufficiency in my life and affairs

i accept everything that is i
embrace everything that is right now
i embrace everything that is

i allow everything that is i say yes
to everything that is and i love

the divine consciousness that i am
iis f

is forever expressing its true nature
of abundance

this is its responsibility
not mine

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth

therefore i am totally confident
in letting go and letting god appear as the abundanct

all sufficiency in my life
and affairs

i am totally confident in letting go and letting
god appear as the abundant all sufficienty in my life
and affairs

i’m allowing everything that is
i’m allowing life to flow
through me

i’m allowing life
to be

i feel good i feel good i feel
good i allow what is i accept everything that
is i



that is

i know the game sit

and its just to allow life
to flow through me