i know the one aond only truth

and i know that the abundance
the porsperity

flow the money the prosperity the abundance my supply

my supply is my consciousness of this truth

through my consciousness of my god self
the christ within as my supply
i draw into my mind and feeling nature the very substancce of spirit
this substance is my supply
my consciousness of the presence of god within me is my supply

i love doing the work i iloe doing this work i love
that i know for sure the only work
i know for sure what the only focus is and its deepening withing
its deepening the

focus within that’s all there is e
there ever is look within and keep looking thatsa
all there ever is to do look withand keep looking


i draw into my mind and feeling nature the very substance of spirit
this substance is my supply thus my consciousness of the presence
of god within me is my supply

i knwo my supply i know the power of me i know

i now the one and only truht and
knowing the truth is the only work
understanding is the only thing to do
feel how i want is the only thing

i can ever “do”
feel how i want is the only thing ic an
ever do

feeling how i watn is teh only thing i can ever do
how i want to feel is the only thing
i can ever do i

saying yes to everything
getting out of the way zooming out and feeling
the feeling of ailenc eslience

feeling the feeling of silence

i kwo the only work
i know the one aond ly focus
i know the one aodn

ad only supply of well being i knwo the one
and only supply of well being

i love seeing the affects of the practice i love
that i get to choose it i love that i
get to choose it i love tha t
i get to choose the felow
the flow of well being i get to choose
i gt to choose
to align with the one aond ly
only truth

i love using my skills i love
remembering that ive alwways been the bbest ive always been
the best i love the feeling of knwoing im
ive always been the best and i get to
continue i get to contindue
i love the

the feeling of the focus and creativyt
blowing flwing thorugh me i love
believe ing myself

the one aond ly truth and its emptiness
its chooseing the feeling now and
then never wondering its ju
choosing the feeling now and
then never wondering

the powe fo the one aond

the one aond ly truth the one aond
only truth and its me its silence all i need is
silence the only
currency is silnece
the only mney is silence

i love feeling good i love
hearing her sweet voice i love being on one
i love knowing im creating all of it i love
allowing the best
possible to come tome
i love that i know its always unfoldig perfectly
for me i love that i nkow its always
unfolding perfecty for me
i loe tha ti get ot

i love doing this work and feeling good i love the poweer
fo the focus i love that i choose how i want to feel
and ti

then life reflects it and i knw life
life doen’st ha et o

have a choice it has to chosw
show me what i am
what i it life has to ch
show me waht i am

i love when i feel it i love feel
when i feel the truth when i know the truth
when i nkow hat my

knowledge of the truth is my supply
my knowledge of the truth
is my supply my focus is my supply
my getting out of the way is my supply

my awareness is my supply
ii knwo the poweer of me i choose the poweer of em the
i choose the power of i choose
the powwer of me i chi

i choose the power of me i

i lov that i know

i love that i know the truth
i never have to wonder i neve rhve to wonder
just amke th make the choice
make the choice is all i can do all i can do
all i can do

i know the science of life i know the sicence
science of life i know the science of life
i know im always creating it i know hwtever
i picture is what happesn

i know im the boss i know im the obss
i know im the one cna
and only creator

i know its me i know that life shows em
i now that life shows me how much god i have in me

tha’ts all it its that’s all it is

the power of me i choose the power of me
i choose the power
of me i choose it over and over and i never
have to wondder i love i never havet o wonder i never have to
i never
have to wonder i never have to wonder i never
have to wonder i never have to wonder

just feel it it just ccreati tit athat’s all i can
do create

it ccreate it

through my consciousenss of
my god self
id rawin into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance of spirit
this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god within me
is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of god within me
is my supply
i can always trust i can always trust i can always
trust i can always trust my instinct i can always trust
my instinct

i can always trust the feeling i can
always feel the feeling riht now

the feeling right now

this substancce ismy supply