i know the only work

i nkow the best thing always flws right to me
i nwo i

i get to do the work for me feel the feeling ofr m
for me i get to feel the feeling for me i get to do the work for me feel the feeling for me
get to feel good for me get to feel good for me
gt to
get to feel good for me i get to feel good

for me i get to trust god i gtust tor stu everything
that is i get to say yes to everything that is

i know the only owrk i nkow the only feeling i nkwo the only feelin the
the feeling of me i now the feeling of me i ii i love hat i get to feel the
the feeling of me

i know that all i can do is trut the feeling
trust the energy of life all ica nd o is feel for god
all i can
ever do is feelfor god feel for the feeling of god when

i am aware of the god self within me as my totla fulfillment
i totally fulfilled

so gateufl to be bck here dooing the ownl the only work
doing the only work so grateful to be doing the only wokr

i get to feel it now i get to knw it now i get to know it now

i know that life loves me i now that life is always working in my favor i nwo that
life is good for me i now

my awareness
understanding and knowledge
of the all providing activity of the divine mind
within me is my supply

my consciousness of this truth is unlimited
therefore my supply is unlimited