i know the poweer of me

the opwer of the feeling the power of the choice
the power of thr focus the powe of knwoi

nowing knowing nd actignas as if

knowing that my only abundance
is my prosimvity to god know this truth and act accordinginlgy
and that is really all there is to do t
hat is

that is all i can do that is all ic an do
and that is the the fun of life that is
what i feel is missing
that i the only thing that cn ever be missing ins

is knowing that fun of life

knowing the truth of life knwoing
and enjoying the truth of life
that ti

it’s always my proximity to god
its always my proximity to god and that
it sht is the only work and i knwo this i know the
feeling and i knwo tis always
here with me i know tis always her eiwth me i know
i choose it and then it is

i knwot he power of me i knwo th power of the work
i know that the work

always works i know
this work i knwo this work its

telling life how it is
its tellign lfie how it is
now i can relax now i can
enjoy my lfie now i can enjoy my life

the focus the focus and
determination that is all that
there ever his
is how i feel is all there ever is

is all there ever is
the focus thi focus is all there
ever is the one and only truth
and i nwo ti

im here im
i nkow thet ruthi nkwo the i nkow the truht
its me im god its how i see myself
its how i see it
my life is
it what i focus on that expands

so grateful for my wife who loves me
so grateufl for healing
for how far we’ve come so grateful to see myself
evolve so grateful to feel
good and enjoy life nnow

so grateful for our hosue
for good friends

what do i know

i knkow that how i eel about my life is what
ccretes is i know this through life
experience i nkow that i am always ccrea

creating i knwo that ia mt oo powerful

i kwo that i know th

i knwo that this is real i knwo that this is real
and this is
the only
way to livei know tht using the feeling is teh only way
to live i know tis the only way
to live i know that this is the
only way to live i love
i love that i get to come backto it
i can always come bac tot h

proximity to god to the feeling to
the feeling of yes to the feeling of lifek

likeing life that’s all it is the
feelign of liing life

so gratufl i et to choose love i get to
choose the god self i can always return to the god self i can always return to the god self i can alawys return to the god self

what do i know what do i know
i know hat what i pay attention to graows i knwo that
ti only reflects me i know that life reflects me i know is up t
up to me to have jlove in my heart to look for satisfactions its up to me
to look for satisfaction to trian my mind in
tis up to tm eto raing it and i know thi i knwo this i know

i know tis mi

i knwo tis me i knwo tis mi know i am the source
it its up to me to create the version i prefer
to feel the version i prefer i knwo its up
to m eto choose the feeling
of love and let life fill in the rest i knw othat if
i foccus on the at
that feeling the rest i

filles i

in i can choose love myself
my life how it is right now i can allow my heart to sing
i come here to allow my heart to sing
to know that tis wroking to know that
eveyrthing is in perfect timging thta

that everything is perfect how it is
that i dont have to think about it

i dont hvee to think i dont hv t wondwer i get to celebatef
ceelbrate god i get to fee lt inwo and then
know life responsds that is the fun of life mira cles ara

are always in the arid im always creating

i get to choose what i create

i love being the creator
the one and only creator i love that i get i t
to i lovet aht

nothing can stop me i love that i see my power
i love when i feel my power i nko i love weh
i know the power of me
i llve

when i keep my power i love weh
i dont give it
aways i love building my power i love

i knkow the i know ts
ti sonly ever me and how i feel tis ho
up to mehow i feel its to seay
to just change how you feel its so
eay to just change how you feel and
then i nkow that life
reflects that
i know that i

get to choose it noww and then it is i lo
i knwo this is thi
this is the only work i know this th
is the only wrok

i now i nkow its th
its the feeling jut keep teling life what the feeling its
just keep telling life

what the feeling is jsut
keep tellign life wht the feeling is

i know that its me in control
not other people

its me choosing to feel its always going to m e
me in charge and i never havve to allow other peole
to affect how if eel i get to stand up to m

everything and just say yes to h
how i feel i neve rhave to care again
i ge tto break free from

thank you god for showing me how
to not care