i know the power of me

the power of the choice and that’s all i can do
you can’t do it you can’t do it
because you’re looking for something

the attitude has to be of letting go
of knowig that
everything already exists i love that i get to choose
and get to feel ther esonance

with that choice i love that i can alawys drop

drop out

i can
drop out i can always
drop out

drop in

dropping out
and dropping in

are the same thing

i feel good now i feel the
flow now i feel free now i fee
free now and i trust the unfolding
of life i love that
i get to chooe and

and see the miracles of

unfold i love that i k
get to keep

making the choice

so grateful so grateful so grateful

for the answers to know i have the
answers to choose them to choose them

i love who i am i love who ia m
i love who am and where ia m

i love that life is working pefectly for me
i love that god always has the solutison

right now i love hat

that ic an always sayey

yes to everything that is
i can alsy

say yes to everything that is

i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance

i am conscious of the constant
activity of this mind of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness
is filled with the light of truth

focused on the self focused
on the self t
on the inner world i love that its so

to remember th truth
the truth to remember the opwer power of
me to allow the power of me

get out of the way of
the pwoer ofm

the power of me
i love that i feel the powe of

power of me i love that
i know i lov

i am conscious of the constant activity
of this mind of infinite prosperity

the power of now the power of now
i know that my only job is to get out of the way

don’t look at it a

and get in the way with your

pathetic humanized version of what could happen
i know its not up to me
i nkow its

i know its i know

its not up to me
i know that life decides and a

i can relax in that i can relax in that knowledge

i am conscious
of the constant activity of this
mind of infinite

therefore my consciousness

is filled with the light of truth

i am conscious of the constant
activity of this mind
of infinite prosperity

i am conscious of the constant
activity of the mind of infinite prosperity

i am conc

i am god i am

god ia


god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent

substance of the uno

universe this all providing
source of infinite

is individualized by me

the reality of me

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

the reality of me

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent

substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

the reality of me

i know the truth of life i know the
truth of the oment
the moment

the rtu

truth of letting it all go
the truth of letting it

all god t


the resistance
and focus fully and i know its

not only possible
its impossible

to not create with your
thoughts feelings and emtoins

i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance
i am conscious of the constant
activity of this

mind of infinite abundance.


my consciousness is filled with the light of
truth and i know

its not aboutg

getting there is

its about being there
and choosing it

right now choosing
love right now choosing the
good feelin g


choosing feeling good i choose
feeling good f

right now i chosoe fee
i choose the god self i choose the god self i

choose to allow the god self ad
i welcome the feeling i welcome the
focus i welcome the contrast that helpls me

helps me focus i welcome the contrast that
helps me focus on the side i preder

i love that i know its
a choice

a choice is a switch
and its as easy to make a choice
as it is to flip a switch

on and off
yes or no

do you know you’re god
or not?

i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance
i cam cons

am conscious of the constant
activiity of this mind
fo infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness

is filled with the light of truth

i know what i am
i know what i am and i celebrate
that knowledge i know what
i am

i know what i am
and i know that
i know that nothing
has to change i know that

i already have everything i need
i alredy have everything i anned

i need i am everything
and i am totally fulfilled

i am totally fulfilled
and i know life and everything
in it

is a print out of a feeling
it feels good to cultivate love
to see the best in everything
to know that

is everyting

everything is interconnected
and everything is me

i releax in the

i relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance
is eteranlly

eternally operating in my life

i know the truth and i never have
to wonder in

each moment i make the cohice
to returh
to cener

center and lif so

life solves evety

everything i know this i take

the big leap into god
into the here and now
and say


thank you

activity of this mind
of infinite prosperity

infinite prosperity