there is only this moment

right now and how i feel in this moment
there is only this moment right now
and i tune myself to the moment and the more i tune myself

the better i feel i get to choose how i feel in this
moment i get to choose how i feel

there is only right now
and ig et t
get to choose how i feel
there is only right now
and i get to choose how i feel

i get to choose howi fee

how i feel

right now right now right now

and i know this isi
my only job and my

personal power

the divine presence i am
and that is why i am here

to feel that divine presence i feel t
the divine presence
and i know

i never have to worry i feel the divine presence

andi know

and i know

i never have to worry i love
that i can

feel i can feel my way toward god
i can always feel my way toward god

i am god i can calways feel

can alwys feel the god self within i can
alwys feel the god self
within i can

alwys feel the god self within

there is only now and i know this

ther eis only this moment and i know this
the rest isnt’ real
the rest isn’t real i lov th

that i get to do the owrk that
i get to tune myself i love that i

get to tune myself to the vibration of this
m oment

that i get to feel confident
in life i am confident in the infinite supply that is me

and it just takes a little practice to
remember that
i love that this is my pwoer and this is my only work

i love how far we’ve come

its easy its jut an on

on off switch on or off and that’s what makes i

it so easy
just like that the ego is gone

the part me that believes it is separate
but i know i am not i know

i am everything and the morei focus
on that knowledge the more life opens up for me

i know this i know this
i know this

on or off and its on tna

and that is the divin presen

divine presence i am
that is the divine prsence

i am

when i choose the on switch and the
on switch means looking at god and
only god focus on one thing
focus on one thing
and the rest life



the rest go away

i love that i know this i love
that i get to keep knowing thath

this and i never have to wonder or doubt
i love that i know
i know


love that i know the on switch
i know that go
that life

is right here and now

i lift up my heart and mind
to be aware to understand
and to know that thie

the divine presence i am
is the source and substance of all my good

i lift up my mind and heart

to be aware to understand
and to know that the divine presence i am
is the source and substance of all my good

the divine presence i am
the divine presence i am

i know itsnot

not outside of me
i know it is a frequency i knoa t

i know that life is a frequency and
i celebrate that right now
i make that choice

right now

to enjoy the frequency

to ride the literal


i make the choice to ride the literal wave
and i look for it in everything i see

i let go and focus
focus only on god and

let the rest go i love that i
get to do that i love that

i get to do that i love that i

get to do that i love
that i

get to do that

i lift up my mind and heart
to be aware to understand
and to know that the divine presence

i am is the source

and substance

the source
and substance

the source
and substance

the source
and the substance

of all my good

its a feeling a place
of total devotion and i’m ready
to do that here and now i’m
ready to devote to the moment
in the here and now

i’m ready to devote to the god self
to feel the resistance lift and feel the magick of god

i feel the magick of ogd i

god i know the magick of god
and the magick of

of god is always right here and now
always right here and now

i feel the ecstacy of life
and i now that
i know that life is showing it to
me in everything

i know god is in every single thing
and that i can always find the god version and align with it

i love that this is my work my only work
i love that this is my only work
i love that my only job

is to feel good

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth


therefore i am totally confident
in letting go and letting god appear as the
abudant all sufficien y

in my life and affiars

i feel good now i choose the
god version and align with it

i choose the god version and align with it
i choose

i choose i choose the here and now
the greq

frequency of gratitude
in this here and now
and i know that life

has no choice

but to relfect

reflect it

the frequency of gratitude
i get to decide and i canalways

always be aware of who or
what i am

in each moment

i’m here now i’m god now
my only responsibility

is to be w
aware of this truth


i am totally confident
in letting go and

letting god

appear as the abundant

all sufficiency

in my life and affairs
it feels good to let go and vibrate with god
in every moment