I love doing the work i love

seeing evidence of my practice i love knowing
its only me i love that i know i have been

brainwashed by the wrongness of the collective
consciousness but no more!

i will no longer limit the unlimited i
will no longer look for what i

i will no longer limit the unlimited!!

i know that life can only reflect me i know that
life reflects the signal i send and the more i send the signal
the better i feel i love

waking up feeling good i love
getting along with the wife i love that
i have a wife who loves me i love that
we have a good life i love that
we have a good life

i love feeling the power of life flow
through me i love remembering who i am i love doing the work

right here and now i love that
there is no other time to feel the feeling
to feel the flow i love that i get to

to feel the flow right now

i love wakig up

i love waking up feeling good i love that
there is so much to lov ei love that its’ my choice

what i look for wnat i do

i don’t have to believe in something
outside of me as my supply i know that my supply is
within and when i connect with the supply within

i win

the connection with the supply within
is my supply

is my source of

infinite prosperity and i know it
is right here with me always

i love that i know this i love that
i’ve found the secret to life and can relax in the knowledge that
the activity of divine abundance is eternally operating in my life
and affairs

i simply have to be aware of this the flow

the radiation of creative energy which is continuously
easiy and effortlessly pouring forth from my divine consciousness

i am now aware i am now in the flow

i love waking up feeling the feeling
i love that i get to feel goode i love t
hat i know that
i know it is within me i love that i know
the flow is within me i love that
i know the feeling i love that i get to feel good now i love

that i get to feel uplifted i this
in this here and now i love that i get to do ti for me i love
taht i know life loves me i love

selling digital products i love
that is work

its owrkin

working and all that matter sis the
the siganl of

the siganl of

the signal of its working i l

i love remembering who i am i love
feeling confident about who i am i love
riding in on my high horse i love
taht i know

that i know life loves me i love that
i know life loves me i love that i know

i love that life loves me i love that
life loves me i love i ove t

i love that i ge tto feel good nwo i love

lining up the energy first i love

lining up the enery

i love that iget

get to choose how i feel
because i am god i love that ia m
connecting with the source of who i am
which is god i love
that i get to make the choice i love
that i get to

to make the choice i love
that i get to make the chocie

of how i feel i l

love that we made a friend i love that l
i know life loves me i love that life loves me i love
taht i ge tto feel good
about myself in this ehre and n

here and now i love that i get to feel good
in this life in this here and now i love tha ti
get to eel goo

feel good in this here and now i love
that i just have to feel the flow i love
that i know

god is lavish unfailing abundance
and that life reflects the feeling i love
the feeling of winning i love the
feeling of celebrating i love the

i love doing the work i love that i know the
work always works i love that i know the magick is in this
here and now i love that i know the flow is flowing i love
that i know l

life loves me i love doing the work i love
doing the work i love
feeling good in this here and now i love that
i get to feel good in this here and now i love

believing in myself i love that i get to feel good now

i love feeling uplifted i love that i
get to feel the feeling of god knowing that i am
god i love that i know i am

god i love that i know i love that i know i am god
i love doing the owrk i love that
the work loves me

i love that i know the work loves me i love that the
work loves me i love that i know the work loves me

i ove doing the work i love
that i get to feel goo dnow i love
that i can allow the flow to do it
i lov etha tlife is easy i love

making the choice to love msyelf to know
that god is my supply
my connection with god is my supply

nothing else

outside of me is my supply

only my connection with god is my supp;ly
i love that i get to feel

i love feeling high on life i love
that i know i love that i know
the secret to life and i never have to

wonder i love that i know life
is easy and i am always right where i ened to

need to be i love that i know
its a state of mind

and life is jut
a simulation
and outpicturing of my

beliefs and emotions
and i get to choos emy

my beliefs so i get to choose
my reality

i love doing the work
feeling the feeling and knowing that life

is a feeling and i don’t have
to be afraid of that i love

that i can come back to center i love
knowing who i am

loving who i am