i love feeling like the real me

the confident me the knowing me the

real me the real me i love feeling like the real me i love
that fee

the feeling of the real me of
feeling what i really am of knwoing life of loving life
i ilove the feelnig
of loving my life of appreciating my life

of feelign good in my life i love that i get to feel good

i love when i know it when i just know it
i know the secret to life

i love feling like the real me i illv
love enjoyig life i love
that i feel good today that i know god today
i love that i now god today that i knwo love today

that i am totally fulfilled
i love that i nwo i am totallyf ulf

i can be ahppy and allow life to flow
through me i love when i dont care i love t
aht i get to havea go
a good day i love that
i get to feel good that i get to have a good day
that i get to alow t

alllow the good life to flow through me i love

feeling feelings of love and tendderness
i love that i get to make
the choice to like myself i love hta t
i feel good today tha ti
get to love today that i
get to love today that i feel o

love today i love that im happy today
s gr

so grateufl to fee happy to feel the
the flow to feel the knowing to drive life
with the
feeling to practicce

the awren

awareness of who and what i really am
i know tha i am

i know that iam somehitn g
so ma

much larger and more poweerful tha y

than my mind or body

thank you god fo this for thisa day
for the feeling of feeling brand new

lliek the real me all over again
i love knowing i love feling confident
i love

finding me i love tha ti nkwo me i know the
real me i love that i get to choose the reall me

i love that i get to feel good
about my life i love that nothing is missing
i love its a good day i love
doing our work i lovve that
i knwo i am loved

i love that i know nothing is missing i love that
i g
feel good that i feel filled up

feel filled up i love tha ti
feel filled up ilove

that i get to feel me that i get to focus on the

feeling of me that i get to feel good today
that work

words just come today that i feel good
for no reason today
because i took care of me

i love the feeling of life the feeling of trust the
feeling of knwoing the feeling of making the

making the choice the feeling of training o
the attention
of knwoing that its only ever up to me

i love tha ti know tis up only
its only eve up to me i love that i knwo i love tha t
i get to cchoose the full self the confident self

the knowing self i love the flow flowing the
i love the words flowing i i

i love the words flowing i love tha t
i feel good abbout me that i feel good about life
that i feel goo

so rae

grateufl to feel good to feel free to
feel the ease and flow to feel happy

so grateufl to feel happy in my life

that i dont have to care
that i get to ride the wave avobe

or below it all i love nt caring i love that i knwo
god loves me and is on my side

i love the words flowing i love that
nothing can

get in the way of me and my vortex
i know that its all how i feel its a

always me its never not me

and i have te power
the power i have the power
to ccreate the version i prefer

if on

only i choose to accept it
today i choose the

to accept my power as the creator of me
today i accept my power and remembe that is only ever me

that the feelign drives everything
and life has no choice but to reso

respond i knwot hat the way i feel c
reates v

evverything and ig et to choosee how i feel

i can always choose how i feel and that
creates my life and life has no choice but to respon
i love that i nwo this i love that

that i knwo i lov
that i get to feel t
good that i ma

i madethis i wanted this

this i wanted this i watned this i watned this

i am saying yes and yse!!

i now attention cretes
the feeling createsa dn life doesnt have acho

a choice life doesnt have a choice

i do
i choos i am the drive
i am the driver and i know

for a fact that life

always reflects me i know that life

always reflects me

i knwo the power of me i now the power of my focus
i know

i know what i am i know wha ti atruly
am i now i

i now i know hat i am i know wh

what i am i know that
i am

god i know that i am god

i kow that i am god and i am the one and only
creator of me i know that i am god

and i am the one and only creator of me i ove that
i knwo this
this that i get to celebrate it that

i am in on the joke today i am in on the joke
and i get to ride the flow nejoying

every moment i love that i know