the focus

the focu the foucs the foccus on awareness
i love the feeling i loe the fei i love the
the feeling of awarenss i love that
the feeling of awareness

the feling of knowing the
pervadese all experience

the real seat of awareness
the real me the knwoing of the real me
the knowing of the real
the know

the real me i love that i dont need ayt
anything from anyione
i love that i now the power of me and that i create
my realiyt

with my subconscious
what i believe is what i see and i now this i love that im
rich i lovee that im wealth i

i love that i

know i know the power of e i now its only e

ever me i know its me i now all of life
is me wi

is what i believe is wha i expect i know hat l

that life lis flowing through me
i now the magick feelign the magick
life i know the feeling
of saying yes and allowing the magick
i kno

i now the feeling of expecting miracles
of doing it in the air i know the
feeling of doing it in the air

i love remembering
its up to me

its only me

its up to me
i know tis going to be the bets vacay
ever i loe feeling
the feeling of live
love flowing through me

through t
flowing through me through me
through me

through me

through me

its me i love that i know that i get to make
the choice that is going to be the best eve that
i get to

i know its me and that’s all
the onoy k
only nkowledge thats
the only knowledg

its me it sll
its all me an di never have to o
wonder i can bre brave enough to choose
love to choosee th
best eversion
of life to ch

to choose to life the ersi
i alreayd know to choose to

love becaue i nwo i am god and i
get to ccrate it i know that i ccan cc
do it i love that i get to i
do it i love that i get to choose it i love that
i knwo how to choose it i love that i know how ti choose it

i love that i know
how to choose it i love that
i get to chooe it
i loe hat i know tis me i love that i am
awrae i am aware of the way
that the particles arrange
i am aware and i get to chooe

its up to me its up to me
and i love doing thiw work
this only work
i no

i trust the in and out of life
i love that i
get to u

trust the in and out of life i love that
i feel secure in the godse

self i love that tday i know it
todya i know the god self
tody i know the e

certainty of life
the unchanging self t

today i know the unchanging
self today i know the cha

unchanging self
i rememberr how to be ware
how to
do nothing to just be

just observe just say yes
just decide to discern to prefer something new

i get to choose i feel the
feeling of it and then it is
i knwo this

for sure
through life experience i
feel it and then it is
i feel it and the it i
s it
it si fele
i feel it and then it is

i feel it and then it
is i knowths i nwothis and i nwo i turn it off
because im afraid but

i know my power an di know i
get to choose it right now
i know i get
to choose it right now

i love the work of knwoing
th real me the erla ma

magick feeling i love the work
of always returning to cneter to

to the real place

from which life springs forth
i loe that i now this
and i can always retrun

return to it i love tha i ge tto just observe
not judge
not condemn not analyze
just know its me and that i can always
feel something else i an feel good

about it i get to practice the feling

best vacation ever
i get to allow it i get to allow it ti be bog

i get to say yes to sandsy

sandys everything i et to refuse to suffer
thank you forthe the

all ive learned for how far ive come
because i know i can have a good time
i can feel the feeling of love i can feel the
feeling of trust

i now tis me i get to choose trust
i get to
choose love i get to chooe love

i get to chooe love i get to choose love
i get to be it i get to be it

the magic life the miracle life the
lettig go life the saying

yes and yes life the attuned life
the knwoing life the happy life the kowing

life the

reasonless bliss lfie te
the god slef life the god self life
the allowing the

life the frear

fearless life the knowing life

the saying yes life t
allowing the flow

allo f

of the lovve the
that is always flowing my way sayes i

yes and yes
to allof gods gifts

saying yes to gos g
to god to the fow

saying yes and yes to life saying
ys and yes to life knwoing life

life that

that life is on my sie feeling
the feeling of u
yes of abundance
of magic
of non resistance
of eys

of openess of softneess
of love and appreciation

the yes and yes life and i can allow myself
i am brave enough to say yes t
because i knaw life reflects it