i love myself

and i mean it i am allowed
to love myself i am allowed to
feel good about life i am

allowed to love my life and i know
i never have to worry or stress

or feel tense

i don’t have to feel this

i can release the
tension that coms with
comes with believing
i am separate

i can

the assuredness
of knowing that
everything occurs
in reflection of me

i love that i know
i notice that people pull things
from the air all day
every day

i love that i can
release the tenstion that
comes with wondering
about life

wondering how it will unfold

i never
have to wonder

i never have to ask

wasn’t i good

or am i good

or will i be good
enough or

will life turn out good
enough or

do i deserve this

because i know i do
i know i deserve the good
life the

best life i know i deserve
the best life because

every one does

it is our birth right
i know the best life is my birth right
i love that i
can celebrate that fact

and this work helps me do that
this work helps me remember that
my birth right is a good life and
i don’t have to feel the

tension of wondering

i’ve let that go
i’ve let that go and i am willing
to do the work because i want
to transcend that

i love that i can i love that its within

my power to transcend anything
i love that i’ve let that go i love
that i know

its easy for me to
send any signal

when i am willing

its easy for me to choose
the signal

its a matter of
of willingness

of willingness to allow the
flow to flow to turn toward the magick

and that’s the only
thing in life that’s ever going to matter

am i turned toward
the magick?

if not, i’m facing the
wrong way

maybe not the
way but not the way
i want to be

i want to be facing the magick
because when i am turned toward
the magick

i see it

i love that i am doing my
writing i love that i am cultivating the
feeling of celebration within me
and it feels good i love
the better it gets i love

the better it gets i love
that i get to celebrate this life
this here and now and know
that life is always flowing
i know that life is alway s

unfolding perfeclty

i feel good about that
i feel good about aht
and i am wiling

to take my own advice
and make room

make room i love celebrating
the infinte
possibility and knowing
i love allowing myself to feel
good about my life

you don’t have to care
or be so mad
or judgemental

you can just choose to enjoy your
life and let go of all the

you can stop caring and being
such an asshole
because you are running judgemental
thoughts rhou

through your head all day

you can let all that go
and enjoy life as an

iteration of god
you can say thank you you
can say thank tahk

tank you thank you thank you
thank you god for everything

you can choose to love
because it feels better

that is the only reason

no other reason

it feels etter
to to love

it feels better to love
than to think of reasons
not to

that feels bad
that creates tension

loving feels good
feeling good is all that matters
so love others
as a selfish

love others for the sake of you
and your vibration
that’s the only reason

the rest is just


i love myself i love myself
and i love cultivating
a sense of joy within myself

its not my place to judge
its not
my place to care about
other ppls problems wtf

its not my problem

i can just choose
to be grateful for what i want

more of and that’s all i can

really do to affect my
life besides
make the selfhish

selfish coic
choice to feel good now no matter
what i love that i can just
do the work
i’ll just do this work and then
everything else will fal into

i let go i’ve let go
of control and given it over to the universe

i know all i can ever do
is feel good and the more i

feel good the
better i feel and feeling good is all
that matters

feeling good is all that matters
feeling good is all that matters
feeling good is all that matters

i don’t have to try
i don’t have to try
and every time i feel myself
struggling to breath

i can remember that
means i am trying

just stop trying

and when i stop trying
the more it flows i love that
i can just sotp

stop tring

just stop trying
let it go let it go i love
just letting it fol

unfold i love the power of letting it unfold

i lve the power of lettng it go i love that it just doens’t
meatter i love

i love leaning

let that go

i know all it is is fear

and i don’ thave to be afraid of
my zone of genius

i can just let it come
i mlove

i love makig the choice
to live the magick life and knowinglife
is going my way i love

that i have the power
within me to know that life
is always

going my way i know that life is always owrking
working out for me i know

that life is always working
out for me

i’ve let that go
i don’t need to hold on to that
fear any more

i’m not afraid i know
i know life is good and i know its

ok to love it

in the here and now
i love myself in the here and now
and that’s all that matters
all i can do is come
back to center

that’s all i can ever


is come back to center

thanks god for everything
i know everything is already
taken care of i know its in
the flow iknow

i know its in the flow
i know i the more i let go

let go the more it flows the for

more is flows i love that i get to choose
the feeling the
feeling of knowing