i love myself

i love myself i love the work
i love allowing feeling myself
let go i dn’t have to
carei just

just celebrate

celebrate the ease and flow of this right now i love
the ease and flow of this right
now i lllove that i never have to wonder
i love that i can always come
back to center
and its the ow

wondering how life is going to turn out
that causes anxiety

what i know is that i will never
gfgure it all out
and that’s ok i’m wok

i’m ok with that

i’m ready to moe on
move on tfr
from this i’m ready to take
control of my vibration

i love msyelf in this here
and now and i know
that is my only job i love

that i get to feel good

i loe the gift i love
that it reminds me that i am holind
holding on to something
needing it to go a certain way

i love myself i love
myself i love that get to
feel good now i can feel the
feeling now i love
the better it grts i love
that i get to feel good now

to feel good bout myself now
i love that i get to love myself now i love that i get to feel good now