i love myself exactly as i am

i am brave enough to feel
love for mysefl n4
no matter ehat the
the actioni connect with source

i connect with source and that
is allt hat matters

i trust the voice within
i trust the voice guiding me
and i am brave enough to love myself
no matter what

i love myself no am

matter what i feel good about mself
myself no matter what

i love myself no matter what
and that is much more impoartn

important than any action i could take

i love myself i blie

i believe in myself i believe in
myself i love myself no matter what

first i feel it then
i see it first i feel it
then i see it
and iknow i can
feel it now i can feel it now
i already am it i already am perfect how i am
life is perfect how it is

i am

whole i am hol

whole i am whole i amwhole
i am whole i am
complete i am whole i don’t need to worry

just enjoy life
i can just enjoy life

i make t

the choice to enjoy life
i make the choice
to enjoy life

in this here and now
to tune

so grateful to enjoy this day

to get to go on a along
walk to get to hang out
with mom
to get the tips done
to get up early!!

to k eep
keep up the good work to be brate
grateufl forth
his life
this life for this work

it feels good to enjoy the
day i t

feels good feels good to
relax into the here and now
relax into the her and

and now it feels good to do the work
it feels good to celebrte

whati want to see to look
for reasons to praise
to look for reasons to feel good

it feels good to amekt ehc ho


make the choice to do the work
to believe in myself to look for what i want to s

to see

so grateful it feels good to be grateful to
be alive it feels good to feel good
in my body to


make the choicet o feel to feel good now matter
what to make the choice o

to love myself
to love myself no matter what
to love what i resist

about my