starting the day off right

i feel good i feel good in this
day i feel good about life i feel good about
life it feels good to feel good about life

to get upearly
and feel excited aboutt he da
the day it feels good to make
the choice not to care
it feels good to

make the choice to feel good to feel how i want to feel

to keepup this
up this work it feels good
to keep up

this work to keep up the good work and make the choice
to love myself it feels good to make the choice to love myself

to feel good now to feel good now it feels good to feel
good now to make the choice to do what feels good

and to feel good no matter what
i do
and i know that is the choice
i have

the power to make
i now it’
i know it’s on

not up to me to hammer anything into palce

place it’s up to me
to feel light through my connection with source

to feel whole
to feel complete first

and then let the rest follow

and i know i have the power
and ability to do that

i love that
i get t

get in the vortex and then i love
feeling elevated i love

knwoing t

knowing the power of me i know that i can
live the life i want to live
right now i can feel how i want to feel

right now i can feel good
right now i feel the feeling right now i get to choose the
feeling rightn ow

fisrt i

first i feel it then i see it
i choose the feeling first i choose the

feeling first i choose the feeling
first i choose
to feel whole

i choose to feel complete

i choose to love myself i choose
actions that feel good

that i knkow will
feel good that will be a gift to my future self

and i amek t
make the choice not to talk down
to myself

today i amek

make the choice to love mself n
myself no matter what today i

make the choice to love myself
no matter what todya i love myself
today i feel good today i love

myself today i feel good todya i am
grateful to be alive
today i am greate

to be alive i get to choose that
feeling right now

i get to choose that

feeling right now i

get to choose to

feel good right now i get to choose
to be conscious get to choose to love myseelf

matter what

i get to choose to love myself
to take the big leap into

making choices that feel good
into loving myself first
it feels good to do the work to love mself

myself to remember i am
perfect how i am
and remember that only thoughts

can make me feel bad

to remember only thoughts can make me
feel bad and that i can choose the

feelings and emotions that i prefer

and the more i practice them

i love dong the
doing the work i love feeling good
and i love making the coice

choice to feel good aou
about myself first i love that ia get to

get to make the choice to
be gratefl to
to be alive to celebrate my life to choose
the feeling in the here andnow

get to make the choicdd to

to celebrate life right now
i celebrate life rightnow

i focus on how i want to feel i focus
on how i want to feel and i kow

i knkow i can
ikn ow i
i know i can do it i know i casn

can choose the feeling first
can choose
to feel complete to know i don’t need anything
to choose to feel good about myself

to build up that feeling of feeling good and know
that iw ill get there

to knowi am

am geting
getting there i am
relaxing into the here and now
the focus in the here and now

and that’s all i can
ever do is

focus in the here and now
that’s all i can
ever do is focus inthe here
and now

feel how i want to feel inthis
here andnow

love msyelf in this here and now

know i am a money magnet

in this here and now
and i know it’s only
ever a feeling

i think
i’m missing something
if i don’t

slip into old patterns
but i know i am not

i know i can
trust what i know trust what i know
feels good what feels good
and not

fall back into old patterns
but todasy

my pattern is loving myself
and ik now i can
i can do it ik now i can
i can do it i can love msyelf

i can love my body i can
love who i am

so grateful to be alive!!

to get to celebrate life
i’m so grateful i get to celebrate life
that i get to live this aweosme

awesoe life awe

awesome life
with my awesome wife!!

so grateful for this day
so grateful
for this day that

i get to choose where i place my focus
that i get to practice a new plce
place of focus that
i get to choose lto

to love msyelf that’s all i can do
that’s all i can do is

choose to love myself no mater what
matter what to practice that feeling

that’s all i can do
is love myself i love myslef i love
myself i love myself i love myself

i know that nothing matters
i know that nothing

matters and no matter
what i

can alwys choose
to love msyelf i love that i ge to love

to choose to love msyelf that
ig et to trust in god to help me keep that feeling going

and know that i can choose the
feeling no matter what i get to choose the
feeling of loving myself no matter what

i get to choose that and i know that

vortex is my metabolism
i know this i know that the energy is flowing
through me no matter what

i know that what i eat
doesn’t really affect it i know that
i get to choose

to feel good no

matter what i get to
choose to fele good

no matter what i can choose to celebrate
life no matter what i can choose to feel good

no matter what today i am
looking for reasons to love
reasonst o

to love myself reasons to praise myself