i love that i can choose my outlook on life

and when i choose my outlook i love
that i can always choose to love my life
in this here and now
because life is all about perspective

it’s all how i decide to look at it
i love that i know it’s all in how i decide to look
at life and i love that i can
always look at everything with love

it’s simple

love is all there is and if
i’m not looking at it with love
then i am not with god

and i know being with god is all
there is that is all i could hope to strive for

i love feeling connected to this knowing i love
that i know i love that i get to

celebrate the moment no matter what the circumstances

i love that i know this truth!!!

i love celebrating this truth!!!

i love that there is so much to love i love that
life loves me i love that i can
look at every situation with love i love that i get to
feel good i love that
i get to feel good i love

where i am right now i love
where i am right now i love
that i get to feel
good now i lovet hat

that i get to feel good now i get to feel
at ease in my life right now i love
focusing on the practice i love that life

loves me i love that there is so much to love

i love that we live here!!

i love that we made it!!!

i love that we made it i love
the better it gets i love the feeling of being

brave enough to love my life!!

i am in the habit of loving life
i am in the habit of seeing life through god’s eyes

i am in the habit of lovign everything
of saying yes to everythig that

that comes my way

i am in the habit of saying yes
to everything that comes my way

saying yes to everything that comes my way

everything that comes my way

it feels good to let go and look
nicely at my life
to look lovingly at my life

because there is so much to love
i love my house i love my jobs
i love my work i love that life
is always unfodling perf

perfectly i love that i get to choose to feel good now
to feel happy now to feel abundant

right now

and it’s all about a feeling i love that
books help me remember what i know i love

making the hcoice t

choice to feel good today to let go
and feel good and i’m

not afraid to love my life!!

i am brave enough to look at my life with love!!

i love a good breakfast
i love hanging out with my wife
i love kind eggs and home made bread!!!

i love that we have more than enough i love
that i ge tot have my one tall boy every day
i love that

the contract is renewed!!!

i love that it’s all working out for us
i love that it’s all a feelig it’s all a feeling
it’s all a feeling
i feel the flow flowing through me

i feel god inside me i feel the god
perspective flowing through me
and i know that i can joyfully

say yes to everything in life

i look for the magick i look for
reasons to feel good

today i am focused on seeing life through god’s eyes

through god’s love
and i love that i get to love my life
i love that

everything is always working out for me
i love that i get ot choose to feel how iw ant to feel

i get to choose my perspective on life

i get to choose my perspective on life

i get to love
my life

today feels like a good day
it feels liek a gift

it feels like love
so grateful today feels like love!!

so grateful to experience love
in eveything

everything so relieved to
feel lifted up to the level of love
i love tha
i get ot

love this day no matter what


i love that i can relax into this moment
and know that everything is always unfolding perfectly
i love that i get to choose

to feel good!!!

i love that life is good and today
i am celebrating love

and i get to choose love no matter what
i love choosing the work

the magick work i love knowing

that if i only ever focus on the magick

focus on looking for what i want to
see more of then that is what i will see and

life will feel magickal!!!!

i love feeling magickal
i love feeling the magick
of life flowing through me
and i know

i know i know i know

i know i know i know i know i know

i know i know i know
i know i am here to feel the magick
ofl ife to see the magick of life

in everthing and know that
everything dosn’t

doesn’t happen at once
i am patient i am allowing
i am grateful i love doing this owrk

and feeling good i love feeling the power
of me feeling the pwoer of

power of life i love

that i can always come here and
feel connected with god and see life
as god would see it

god would say

take your time
enjoy the unfolding
be sooooo grateful for what you have

and so it is

it feels good to see life
how god would it feels good to

practice to notice
when i’m not connected
and do the work
to connect and know

the only

i love feeling good!!

i love doing the magick
work and knowing that my only job
today is to feel good and grateful


that’s all i can
do there’s nothing else to achieve

all i can do
is love this moment and nothing more