my perception changes at will

i love doing this work and
getting an new awesome nugget to work with every day
i love

remembering that my perception is up to me
how i see my life is up to me
how i feel about myself is up to me
i love that i know this i love that
i know this

i love that i know the work
i love that i nkow the work
my only work today is to be aware of

perception and take the time
to see life through the perception of god
to see what god sees i love that
i get to celebrate the day
i love that i get to
celebrate the day i love that
i get to celebrate the day i love
that i get to celebrate the day

i love feeling energized by life i love
feelingg ood about

good about my life i love
feeling good about my life

i love perceiving my life
the way i want to and remembering it’s only
ever perception

that’s all it is

that’s all that affects my
physical reality and i love that i know this
i love that i get to feel good i love that
ig et to

get to have fun
i love that i get to have fun

i love feeling good i love
loving my life

today i intend to love my life
to think of love and love this
here and now today

i intend to love this here and now
and i know that is the magick
of life
today i intend to allow the magick of life
to flow through me

today i intend to allow the magick of life
to flow through me
today i intend to

allow the magick of life
to flow through me

today i intend to do the work

today i get to choose how i perceive life
i get to allowt he bes
the best of life to flow thorugh me

i get to make the time to come back to
center to tune myself

i can always tune the instrument
that is me
and if i feel myself getting out
of tune

i can always come back to center
and tune

i can always tuen myself
to the vibration of me
i can always feel good now i can

alwaYs fee

always feel good now
i can always tuen

i love that i never have to wonder
i never have to feel



i feel

certain about my life
today i feel at ease
to dayi i am at ease

in the vortex
i know there is no rush
there is onlly right

i know there is no rush
there is only right now
there is only the
here and now

there is only

i always have the upper hand
when i say thank you when
i jump into the here and now

i take the leap into the here and now
and i know that i can do it i can
feel the magick of feeling connected to god

i practice
turning my focus
turning my


turning how i see things
and i know it’s all


i know it’s only ever me

i keep the upper hand
when i say thank you i say thank you
i say thank you i say thank yoiu
i say thank you

i get to choose how i see lif e
i get to choose ease and flow

i get to decide to get out of the way
and celebrate the day
i get to choose how i feel

how i see life and i can always tune myself
to the feeling of god

to the vibration of source
today i will vibrate at the vibration of source

i feel good i feel good i feel good
i feel good now

i feel at ease i know who i am
i know i can always choose to feel
good no matter what happens

i love feeling elevated i love feeling the
feeling the feeling of choice
the feeling of jumping into the flow
and loving life

feeling a lust for life
today i feel a lust for life

today i feel good today i celebrate life
i feel the feeling of well being flowing through me

i get to celebrate this day !!

i get to love this day
and i feel the feeling of ease and flow

flowing through me i feel good i feel
calmly blissful

i feel good in this right now
and that’s all that matters
it feels good to feel filled up
with the love of god and make the choice
to love everything else
as god would

i know that i am not in charge
i know that i am just the magick observer

today my only job is to feel good
to allow my heart to sing
my only job is to allow my heart to sing

to actively look for excuses for
my heart to sing
to look for reasons to have a good day!!

to allow my heart to sing
to open my heart to the magick of the universe

today i am open today i am flowing
and today i will take
the time to tune myself

whenever possible
whenever needed today
i am practicing looking for what i want to see
and enjoying hte pre

the presenet mom

knowing this is all there is
it feels good to feel the
effects of the practice
to feel at ease in life
to know life is

conspiring in my favor
and sit back and relax into the flow
of life

today i feel good!!

today i am excited about life
today i am excited about life

i feel the excitement for
life flowing through me and the
excitement is
the knowing that life


on my side

i am excited about
seeing life through the eyes of god
and remembering that life
is good life is

meant to be celebrated every day!!

today i celebrate life!!!