i love that i know it’s all vibration

i love that i can feel
safe and calm knowing that
everything vibration
and that i am vibration and everything is
vibration i love

that i can choose safe
and calm i love the safer and calmer
it gets i love that ia m

in a good place i loe that
i love that i am in a good place bi

i love the
better it gets when i amek
make the choice to deid


dedicate myself
wholy tos
source and that is
all i can ever do and i feel
the effets
effects of m practice

my practice i love that i know
when i ask it is given
i love that

i love the better it gets i love
the btter

better it gets i love that
life loves me i love that life loves me i
i love that i know tha tlife loves me
no mea

matter what i love that i get to celebrate

this here and now and i love tat
that we worke dout n
on the house i love doing the work
i love that i get to feel good in this here and now
i love that i get to feel god
in this here and now i love
that i get


feel the work working i feel the
possibility of

calm and
trusting and knowing
and joy

being my d

dominant proclivity
and i olove that i know i can
trust it i love that i ca

i know i can always trust what is
in this here and now i love that i know

i can alaways

what is in this

here and now i know

that i can

always trust what is in this
here and now i love tha ti get to

get to make the choice to feel good i love
that i get to ride the wave i love

standing up for myself i love
making the choice for what i want
and now

not allowing myself ot
to be influenced
by the other side of the wave

i love that i feel
tuned in tapped in turned on
i love that it’s

bes tday
day of my life i love that

many major manifestations
are rolling in

i love that the owrk
work always works i love that
this work feels good i love that
i feel good inthis here an dnow

so glad i’m back to

fully crushing it
so grateufl for this
here and now so grateful for this

this here and now
so grateful for this
here and ow
and now

and i do the work the work i this

her ea

and now is all i can

i love that i get to feel
good now i loe tha
that i get to let go of that

version of myself and
i can believe
in a new version

version free of the skin
that i feel oppresses me
the skin that helps m e

launch the rockets and i can
always choose the energy
i can always focus the energy
in a different direction


i intend to use the energy
for the other side of the wave

i intend to direct the energy to
the other side of the wave

i in tene

intend to use the reminders to feel
how iw ant
want to feel to feel

calm in my life
i will use the reminders to
help me

turn the energy into
the version i want
and i know the contrast helps me

helps me ask and when i ask
it is given

i feel the feeling of me i feel the
feeling of me in this hre a
here and nowi feel the
energy flowing through me

freely i feel the energy
flowing through me freely and i love that
i et

get to choose to allow the energy of
lif ei love that i know my owne

version i know my versoin and that

that is all i can do i love that
i get to make the choice to not
care i lov that this
this work helps
me i love that this
work helps me remember who i am

remember the energy of me and this
wrok he

helps me remember to love i love
that i know i can always love i love that i know
i can always love and i’ve

been practicing loving
i’ve been practicing loving
and seeing the evidence of that love

all i can ever do is

all i can do is love all i can do is o

love all i can do is love is
love the feeling of love all i can
do is feel the feeling o f

love that is all i can ver
ever do and i love that i know this
now i love that i can just
choose love andi ca

get to choose to love msyelf
i love that i get to choose to love
mysle fno

myself no matter what i love
that i know it’s the best day
of my life i love that i get to

relax into this knowledge

i love that i get to feel the
feeling of me i love that i get to feel the
feeling of me i love that i
get to feel the feeling
of me i love that i

get to feel the feeling of who i am
my god self i love doing the work
the wokr

and making the choices
tha tfeelg ood

good i love that i get to eel
gfeel good about atht
that i love that i get to feel the feeling i love that i
get to feel the feeling i love
taht i get to feel the feeling
of me

i love that this
work works i love
tha i know

that i know i am god
and i get to choose
the version i create


it’s all up to me
is that what i want?
if not

create a different version
its’ just hat easy

and just create the different
version by focusing on what i want
and doing this work that
helps me remember who i am
and place the focus on what

i predfer

prefer to create
instead of what i don’t and
it’s that
