today i noticed that as a
result of being aware of how much i am
allowing things to
affect me i let thing get to me
just by being aware and having
set the intention to not let things
get to me
i was able to navigate my head space
a lot more calmly
navigate the events of
my life more calmly
i noticed that i was letting
my perception of someone else get to
me thinking
i was being judged by them
and also judging them and i know
that it feels better to choose
love and not dwell on what i think could
be negative so i am
making the choice to let that go
forever and choose the feeling
of love i know i can let that
version of
them and myself go
and choose love
and that’s a lot more empowering
i’ve also noticed
i spend a lot of time
thinking negative thoughts about
my body and know that
i know that my body can’t
thrive int hat
that type of environment
my body is the water bottle
an i know
and i know this so
i intend to think good things about my
body i intend to feel
love for myself and my body
i intend to appreciate my body
and i know that
through these intentions
i will be able to do these
things focus on the thoguths
the thoughts i want to attract
i know life is floiwng
flowing right through me
perfectly through me and i love
the better it gets i love that iam
am money magnet i love that
better it gets i o
love the
better it gets i love that i
i know who i am i love that i
get to choose ot
to coo
choose love becaue i
because i am making the choice
making the choice
the ma
choice to love to love
because it feelsg ood
good to love and that
is what this
combative social
environment is teaching us
how to love me
i love that i get to do
to do this
work i love that
every day is the best day i love
that i get to choose
to feel good about myself in this
here ando
now without condition
i love ta t
that i get to love
without condition
and that feels good
better than arguing
in my mind i love that
i can let go of arguing
in my mind i love doing the
work for my health
i am aware
that i care
what other people think
about what time i get up
and i inend
intend to let that i intend
not care about what
other people think at all and i think
i can do that i love that i can
practice that i love that i get to
to feel good now i love that i get to
to feel good now i love that i getto
get to feel good nwo
i love that i know
who i am i love that i know life
is vibratio and i lov that
i get to choose to feel calm
about life
i love that i know it is
unfolding as it may i love that
i know life is unfolding as it may
i love that i get to choose love i love
that i get to choose kindness
i love that i get to choose
to feel whole and complte
i lov
that i get to choose me
the power of me the vibration of
god lovei love that i know it’s
only ever vibration and i love
that i know i am my best self in ths
here and now i love
making the time to feel god
good about msyelf about my life
it feels good to amke
the make the time to feel
about my life it feels good to
feel good in this here and no w
feel the feeling and know that
only ever the work it feels good
to amek the
make th ch
the choice to love myself
and love others
for my health it feels good to let that
go to let it all go
from my self
my body my life experience and i love
that i have the power to do this
and that his
energy launches me into the vortex
i love that i get to hang out in the
vortex i love that i am allowed
i am allowed to feel good and
celebrate life i am allowed
to feel good and celebrate this
here and now i am
allowed to calmly hang out in the vortex and i love
that the more i practice
the better it gets
i love that its’ working i lov that
it’s working i love the orders are flowing
i love that jessica got a grand
i love that its only a matter of time
i love that the
future is now i love tha t
i am perfect inthis
this here and now and that i get to
help people
i love that i get to celebrate life i love
that i get to feel the
feeling of celebrating life i love that
i get to feel the feeling of
celebrating life i love that i can do it
i love that i can
let it go i can
see a version of myself
that is
calm and in the flow
i feel that version of myself
and i know oi can
i can
be it
i know i can be it
i know i already am it
and i know i can choose to
calmly embody it i love the better
it gets i love that my best me
is in the here and now and i love
that the contrast
always helps me
i get to make the choice
right now
to allow myself
my best self
to rise
i am allowing my best self
to rise and i do that
by allowing my god self
to flow through me
trusting the here and now
and totally relaxing in the moment
knowing i am taken care of
and love beyond belief