i love that i know the only cause of my prosperity

i lovee that i know my one and only
source i lov that i know life i loe that
i know liffe is

is happening in my favor i lovee that
tis fun i lovee that i get to choose the fun
part i love that i get to choose love i love
that i get to choose teh feeling i preer
i love seeing teh effects of the pracctice
i love that i get to choose how i watn to feel

i love the only work i love
the feeling work the knowing work i love the knwoing work

the focus work the total fulfillment

i love that i am totally fulfilled i love that
i am already totall fulfilled i love that

i am alwareyd totallyfulfilled

i love that i kno

i knowt he truthi know the feeling i know the truth i know the feeling i nkow the

truth i love that i know it
i love that i’m there i love that i kow nothing matters
i love

that i get to feel good i love that
i ge tto fee life flowing h

through me