i’m happy

i’m happy i’m happy i’m happy i’m happy

i love getting along i love having a good day
i love when class is

it just is nothing more i love that get to feel good in my
body i love that my

my body i sstr
is strong i love that the wife loves looking at me
i love that i have a good life i love
that i get t

to celebrate becasue its my birthday

i know the power of me i kowthe power
of the focus of fitness of the mind

of leading with the feeling i want to feel
and knowing that life

can’t not

i lead with the feeling i want to feel
and life has to follow

it is law

i lead with the feeling iw ant to feel and life
has to follow i know this i know this i know hti

i kow this i know its and i nko

i know that its this easy i lead with the feeling iwa tnt o feel
and the feeling iwa ntt o feel

is complete knowing complete knowing never
having to wonder i ilove that i never have to wonder
and i get to trust that feeling completely i get to trust that feeling completely i love that i

never have to wonde ri lovee that

i get to focus i get to feel happy i get to choose to feel happy
im ahppy


i’m happy i’m happy i’m happy

i get to choosee the feeling and life follows i

get t choose it i get
choose it now i know its

it now and i knwo its real i know it o
now and i now tis real i know it now and i know its real i know it
now and i know its real i

know the feeling now i deepl
accept it no i deeply accept it now i deeply
accept the feeling int he here and now i

i deeply accept the feeling
i d

deeply accet god
acccept god and everything it makes i know tha tlife
comes to me magickally
and goes just the same
i kno

i love the flow i love truting it i love that
i get to love this moemnt i love

that i ge tto feel good now
get to feel happ n

lhappy now get to feel love no i love that
i love that i get to feel love now that the feeling is me
that the feeling is me that i nkow i am the

one and only source
that i know the feeling is the driver of life
the feeling is th
the driver of life and i can trust everything
that happens i know eveything is ahppening

in my favor i know that when i ask it is given

i know me i nkow the center of me i now
thet ruth

truth of me i now there is no separate me i now that
the only thing ever missing is god and god
is never missinng i know that god is alawys right here
and and

and that i am god and god iis everything
i know that i am everything i know that iam
everything i nkow that

life is just playing out who i am showing me
who ia m i know that is all just a show i know its
just a show and i accept it i love that
i get to feel something dde

deeper a knowing i get to feel a ddeep


deeper kknowing

i love knowing i k

love knwoing the truth living by
the truth living mmby

intending tand
and then seeing
and then seeing
i love
ahving fun
i love

lauhging i love laughing a lot i love
having fun i love loving

i love being in love i love
hugging in the bed i love rubbing her head

i love that i know im the source
i love that i know
im the source that im god that
i know that im god the

that is the only thing
i must never look outside of me
because its all me and im the feeling

the feeling is in me the feeling is me
in me i lead with the feeling i eald

lead wit the feeling of knwoign the
feeling of the feeling of
connection with god

my consciousness of the presence of god withi me
is my supply

god is myk s

my consciousness of the presence of god within me is my supply

nothing outside of me is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of god within me is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of god within me is my supply

my consciousness of the prsence of god within me is my supply
i know i am god i know ia m ghe
the one and only creator

of how i feel i know that iam the
one and only creator of how i feel i

i know that i do not have to care
i do not hve to leave my vortex

i do not havve to leave my vortex
i do not have to ccare

i love feeling good i love

celebrating the day i love that
i ge tto love i love
that i get to feel good i love that i
get to feel good i love that i

get to feel good get to feel the
flow the flow
get to feel the

the flow of well being get to feel the flow

the presence of god within me is my supply

the pr

my consciousness of the presence of god within me is my supply
so gratefl i remembered im
god and i am the one and only creator of how i feel
and that

all of life follows how i feel and
get to just decide
so grateufl


i have more than enough
i get to ec

decide i get to choose i get to