when i feel the value of the work
and when i am in the habit of
connecting to center to remember who i am
and remember that’s all there is to
remember that life is really just
so much easier that i make it out to be and it
feels good to feel calm
in this moment it feels good to feel
calm in this moment to let it go
to feel
good in this here and now
thank you tha
for the truth i know that life
acts i know that life i know that life
i know that life acts as i expectit
it to i love that i get to celebrate this right now
i love taking the leap i love that
i know i love that
i know i love that i know i love that
i kno
i love that i love that i love
that i know
i love that i know i love that
i know i love that i know
thank you for this moment thank you
for this feeling of blissful knwing th
knowing thank you for the
power the energy to
secede from
the conscious collective of
error thoughts i love
that i know they are not me
and i get to transcend them i know that
that is all i can ever do and
and this sowrk
work is all i can ever do
i love the better it
gers i love wanting to feel
good i love
exploring the part of me
thank you for helping me see life
as fun and good i love that life is fun
and goo i lo
i love that i feel good about me i love
that i love me and i love the
better it gerws i love
i love
that i
never have to wonder i ove
i ove
i love that i can get there
on my own i love
that i know the feeling of
god i love that i know the
feeling og
of god and i can
i love
feeling tuned in tapped in
turned on i love feeling good in my
life i love
feeling good in my life
thank you for feeling good
you for feeling good thank you for the
feeling of feeling goo
thank you for the feeling that
thank you for the
thank you for the feeling of the
focus tha
thank you for the feeling of connection
with god i know thati
this is life i know that
coming into the vortex is life
and the feeling
with source
is the drug
the best drug the only drug and i feel
like i a
i am aligning with spirit
i remember who i am
that i am energy and that
life can only
reflect the energy that
i send and i send the signal of love
then i never have to worry
i love
that i let go of worry
because everyone else was doing it
and i wan’t to be different
try something new
because worrying hasn’t gotten anyone
and today i feel good
today i feel tuned in tapped in turne don and
i can feel that the feeling
the energy
of life to flow through me
to allow myslf to
to feel energized by life
and kno that
life only ever reflects me
it feels good to know that
i never have to worry that there is no
need to worry
no space for worry in my reality
i love that i get to just sendn t
the signal of love andk now that
everything always works out
thanks god for everything
thank you for the feeling of knowing
thank you for the magickal pao
powers that are me thank you
for the period
of fog that helps me wake up
thank you for
helpsing me
helping me
wake up
so grateful to be awake
to remember that it’s all
only everyt
energy i
i know this
for a fact it’s all
only ever energy and
i get to choose the energy
i love that i get to
choose the eenrgy
energy i ge tto choose
to let the rest
go i get to choose
to let the
rest go and
feel good nw celebrate now
i can feel that i’ve let that
go and i never really cared about it
i can feel that i know that
feelign good is
what creates life
and i am
happy to feel good iam
glad to feel good i a
i do the work to feel good
and foret
forget the rest
send it out to see i
forget the rest
and send it out to sea i love
that iknow i love
that i know i love that i know the
energy of me i love that never have
to wonder
i get to choose this
here and now
right now
i get to choose
to love this here and now
and that
that is my only ever job
it feels goo to
good to take the
big leap to remember who i am
really go for it it
feels good to remember who i
am and ruly
truly accept it and do the work
to feel good to feel how i want to
feel and know that
life is good it
it feels good to know
it’s me it’s only ever me
i did the work to get to
here to feel good to attract
better feeling thoughts i
raised my vibration to feel
to feel good bout lifde i
it feels good to feel empowered
to make the choice
for what iw ant
want in to
in life it feels good to make th choice
the choice for what i want
and stop
it feels good
to feel brave enought o choose
choose the
version i want with confidence
and know it will come