thank you for this day

i love doing the work
and knowing that it’s
all only ever energy and that’s
all only

i love that i know i love
that it’s all energy and

already happened i love that
i know it already happend and now
i can relax and enjoy my life

so grateful to know this
to know that none of it matters
and it all already happened
and that

it will never not be rright


i love that iknow it
i know it iwll
it will never not be right

now i love that i know it’s
all vibration and i love aht i
that i now
i know i get to feel goo

i i love that i ge tto cele


me i love that i
get to

to celebrate me i love
that i ge tto c

to celebrate me i love that
i no
i know the feeling of me and i love
tht i get to choose
the side of the wave

i prefer i love that i get to

choose the side of the wave
i prefere i love
i love that i get to maek

make the choice to feel
tuned in taped in

tapped in

turned on

yes yes yes yes
thank you thank you thank you

thank you for this here
and now for who i get to be

for the opportunity to
celebrate this right now
this right thank you for this

here now a

for feeling good for

thank you for who am i am
for who ia m the

for the infinite energy
that is me it fels go

feels good to let go and

relax intot he knowing

of me it feels good
to relax into the knowing

ness of me it feels good to
focus on who i am and come back t

to center to know the power
of center and know that

is all i

ever am to know that
all i can do i

is trust the feeling trust the
feeling trust

the feeling trust the feeling
the feeling
the feeling the

feeling is all there is
and so

i’m so grateful for where

i am

thank you for the

etsy sound
thank you

for the feelig of
me thank you for the felin

feeling of me the feeling of
me and knowing that it’s only
ever the feeling
i know that

it’s only ever energy

i kow this
i know this for a fact
i loe that
i love that i know this
i of

love that i can feel it right now
and milk the feeling all that matters
is milking the feeling

in this here and now


here and now and i love that
i get to just put the rest in the
boat and set it sail

set sail
and i love the
feeling of setting sail i love
that i
get to

feel the

the feeling

exploring exploring the
part of me that



the invisible part of me and that
is my

job in life
my only mission is to get o
know the

invisible part of myself

it feels good to know the
energy and just make the choice
ti feel
it eel
feels good toa llow
allow themoment
the m

the momentum to flow
to lfow

to flow through me it feels good to
feelt he fee
the feeling it

and know
it already happened

it feels good to feel

the feeling to

to lone

line up the energy and know

that is all i can ever do
it feels good to line up the
energy and know that

is all i can ever do it feels good to know

it already happened
it feels good to feel the spirit
of life flowing through

me a

and i’ve decided that
no one can tell me different i love that

certain things

help me make the choice

thank you thank you for this
day for the

feeling the effects of
the work it feesl

feels good toknow that
all it is is a choice it

feels good to feel
better it get

feels good to feel better

to know that i am

getting better

that i’ve let that go
and i can relax into my life now
i can allow life to flow through me
and i am no

not afraid to allow the
river of life
to be my


it feels good to feel confident about life
to amekt
make the choice to feel confident
about life it feels good to

make the choice to feel

confidnet a

aobut life
to feel good about life
it feels good to

the choicd to feel
good about life to feel ao

good about life and to send the sigal
of love and i can feel that the more
i practice sneding

the signal of love

the better

i feel

it feels good to feel centered

to renounce my

to secede
from the conscious
collective of
error thoughts

i kow

i know there is only
ever right now i know
ther eis only

only ever right now and the more
i ambrace

embrace the now the
happier and more
at peace i feel

in my life
and i feel life floing

flowing through
me on its own

flowing through me on its own
and i am allowing that i am
allowing life to be puell

pulled through me
it wishes

i love that i know this
is th eonly
the only work and i love
feeling al

calm and at home in my life
in the here and now i love
that i never have to wonder
what anyone thinks
how anything is

going to unfold
i can always just trust the flow
and know that life
will work itself out

on it’s own

as it
always does

whatever happens


whatever happens happens

and that is the story of life
whatever ahpp

happens happens and that is
the story of life
i love that

that i know i love that
i gett

to make a
make a spectacle i love
tha ti’m no


that i’m not afraid i love

celebrating my winss

i love tha i am aware of what i am
paying attention t i
i love celebrating

my wins
i love win

i love feeling good about life
i love
celebrating my wins i love that
i get to f


feel good about life