i love who i am

i’m here doing the work
milking the feeling saying fuck yeah
to life i’m here milking the feeling

saying fuck yeah to life

i’m here doing the work
saying fuck yeah to life it feels good
to say yes to remember

what i’m capable of to remember this is my only work
i know this is the only work
this is the only work that matters and it feels good
to do this work

to go within for the sake of doing it
to practice it to know wha it f

it feels like to know tht

that there is more to life than just
the here and now

i’ve been working with my ingrained white supremacy

you’re not supposed to talk about it
publicly but i don’t see this as very public
and this is how i journal

so this is where i’m going to talk about it
and one day when people read my journals and learn my

from my life experience
i think it will be good for them to read about the
work i do to unpack socially ingrained racism

the first step im taking which i’m still
in is just becoming conscious off the ways
that i am subconsciously racist

and also trying to become aware of
when i benefit from white privilege

it’s a lot and it is very sad and depressing
to think that people are treated as less than
because of how they are born
and that you play a role in that because of how you
were born

so as much as poc have to deal with racism their whole lives
white people should do it too

because it does speak to the greater
collective consciousness

that racism is ingrained and if you’re going to help the world

then racism is one of the primary things that needs to be addressed
we can’t ascend when others are repressed

while ingrained white supremacy exists
we can’t take the leap as a society
so to help society
white people especially must begin
tearing down white supremacy

it exists and it is in every white person
whether they like it or want to admit it
it is there

ok enough on that for now

i can see why you’re not supposed to talk about it publicly
it sounds very much like
look what i’m doing
see i’m not bad i’m doing it i’m acknowledging it look at me kind of thing

which is not my goal
this is my journal
i believe in sharing journals
that’s why mine is public and i think it helps people
and while i understand that telling others about it
seems like white saviorism or something that’s not my intent
it’s just to share my process with others
so that maybe they may learn something from
my process

my own unpacking

not that this is very public anyway
like i said

i’m here doing the only work
and that is part of that work now

i’m here doing the only work
which is the work with
the work

the work within the work of connecting
the work of letting go the work
of being aware who i am

who i really am the work
of cous

focus that is what i truly crave

the work of focus it feels good to focus
here and the here and now it feels good to
focus on

my energy on one point instead
of feeling it scatter all around

exhuasting me
it feels good to allow my best self to

it feels good to remember the power of me
to remember who i am to remember what the only work
is it feels good

to do the only work

it feels good to

do the only work
it feels good to
feel good it feels good
to feel good it feels good

to feel good it feels good to
feel good to focus in the
here and now it feels good
to focus in there and now

and know that with focus
solutions always come

it feels good to get int he vor
the vortex and then
and know that my only uob


is to surrender to the here and now

the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing its true nature of abundance

this is its responsibility
not mine

m on

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth

thereofre i am totally confident
in letting go
andl etting

letting god

appear as the abundant

all sufficiency
in my life a

and affairs

i’m here doing the work
i’m doing the work

doing the work for me i’m doing the
work for me

i know i can do it i know wh i a

who i am
i know i am the one and only creaor

creator of my reality i love that life

causes me to ask i am here doing the work

i’m here to connect to the truth
to realx
relax into sleep feeling waves of relief knowing that
i am the one and only creator of my life experience

which brings up another thing about the racism

because if is in my subconscious
like it is in all white people
then we are continuing to subconsciously
perpetuate that paradigm

even though it is not conscious
or malicious
it is still being created
by ingrained subconscious beliefs
and that is why it is so
important to bring that to light
so that we can start to
change the beliefs

fromthe core

change the conditioning
because if you don’t
you are still
committing racist acts

even if subconsciously

i’m here to

release it all
release the resistance
and feel love

love for myself
love for all
love for everything that
is i’m

here to feel good and
enjoy life number one
and that comes from

extending love to all things
and making the choice to

feel love in every moment
i love that life is good in

every moment i love

that life is good in every moment
i love allowing myself to love

allowingm y heart
to sing i l

i love allowing my heart to sing
i love knowing that

work is always here the work is always here

the work