i made the choice and then i was there

i made the choice and
then it came and i’m celebrating it
i’m remembering i remember the power of
me i

i remember thep ower of the power of me and
i say htnk you

for the evidence for life
showing up instantly
make the choice and life
shows up instantly

life keeps showing up i keep
showing up andl ife keeps showing up
i keep showing up and life

its whatever ie xpe
i expect its whatever i lpplace myfocus
on knowing i can

choose wher

where i place my focus
i can choose
where i place my focus i get to
choose i get
i get to choose i get to choose

i get to choose i get t

to choose where i place my focus
whre i

wher ei am

am I showing for love??

where am i showing up
and that’s all i need to worry about
showing up for life showing up for love

i can’t control what others are doing
i can olny

only allow them to coalesce

and say yes i can only
say yes i can only say eys i

i get to choose where i focus
worry about me worry about how i feel

focus on how i feel worry about me

worry about myself my own vibration
my own emotions that is the only
thing i need to put my attention on

how i feel
onlly my own emotions how i feel
and i knwo that i can always

always always feel good

focus on myself on how i feel focus
on how i feel focus on me on

loveing loving me focus on loving me
focus on doing me focus on how i feel

focus on doing this work focus on doing this work feeling good in this
here and now feeling good in this here and now

feeling good in this here and now
focus on what i’m feeling

aware of what i’m feeling and knowing
that i can always choose gratitude
knowing that i can always choose gratitude
knowing that i can always chosoe to show

choose to

show up for love i show
up for love i take the big leap into love

i take the big leap into life i take
the big leap into life

i believe in myself i el

believe in the life
flowing through

i am ware

aware of how i feel and aware of the
version i create

i’m empowered by
me i’m empowered by me
by the power of me
asking and it is given

the only thing i can control

ishow i feel and that i a
is also the
onlly thing affecting

my life expereicne

experience and i knowthis

so grateful for where i am
for the feeling of now for the love
of the here and now
so grateful for this here and now

for the love of the herea d

and now to let everything else go
to only focus on the truth onl

to only focus on the truth
and let everything else go so

grateful to love this here and now
to love this here and now
to jump into the here and now to say yes
to the here and now

i know it’s only me and i know
it’s my energy i know that lif
is good for me i know that life
is flowing to me and through me i know

that it’s all about how if eel and
i get to chosoe to create
with every thought with

every word with every emotion

with every emotion

with every emotion

so a
grateful for this moment for this
moment for this here and now

grateful ton
to know ho wi feel to
be aware of every choice
to ever

be aware

of every creation to know that
i am

i created all of it
to know that each

is a creation

it feels good to do this work and
remember the power of me

to remember the power of me
to remember
the power of me to remember the poweer

power of me to remember the power of me to say eys
to know it’s only ever me to know

it’s only ever me to know that
it’s only

so grateful to remember to come
back to center and remember this is
the only work i know

i know for afact
for a fact through life experience
that this is the only work
this is the only work
i get to chosoe what
choose what i see for myself i ch

get to choose what i see for myself
and conscious creation is a matter of
making that choice
over and over and over

making the cohice

choice to see your life
as you wish it to be

i get to choose i get to choose how i feel
i get to choose the world i create

for myself with every thought
with every feeling with every

expectation with every

feeling of lack
with every

projection of
something not wanted
of attention

i get to chosoe
chooe w

choose where every single morsel
of attention is place and that

is my currency and when i place
that attention within i am
investing in myself

creating immeasurable

i invest in how i feel
and that is all that matters

the watcher is the real me
the center of the soul
is the real me
the feeling of connection to source

is the real me is the real me

is the real me is
the ral m

is the real me
is the reall me
the feeling the
feeling at the center of the
sould is

is the real me
the cfee

feeling of connection to god
is the only

only currency

how i feel is my only currency
and i am aware of
how i feel i am aware of who

how i feel

where is my focus?

place it within and
everything else solves itself.