devoted to how i feel

to creativing the
creating the version i prefer
devoted to creativing

the version iprefer
knowing that everything i crate

is me

thankyou thank you thank you

thank you for this day i am on the
frequency i am in the flow i am flowing

i am in the frequency i am allowing it to come
to be

to me i settle into the good feeling of life and allow
life to come to me i love allowing life
to come to me i love that the flow
is always flowing to and through me

thank you thank you thank you
thankyou thank you thank you thank you
thankyou thankyou
thank you

thankyou thatnk you thank you thankyo
i am in the frequency i am
int he fre

the frequency and so graetful for
everything in life so grateful for

everything around me
so graetful for this day
for this weather for love

for a fun stay cation

thank you thank you thank you

thank you thank you thank yo
thank you

thank you thank you thank you

thank you thankyou thank you

thank you

thankyou thankyou thankyou

thank you thank you than you
thank you than you thank you