i want to have fun

i want to use my power i want to use my power to make somehting i like
i refuse t
to suffer i refuse to think about what i dont want
i refuse to ccreate

the verison i dont want i refuse to suffer i refuse
to create the version i dont want i lvoe taht
life shows me i love that his is the level that im
at i love that i ge tto live it i love that ig et i love
that this is my game that its all my creating

the answer is in the silnece the magic
is in the tsilcne why do i refuse to use my power us

i feel good i feel my poweer i knwo that today
is my day i know that
today is my day i knwo the power of me i know im

creating it i know tis always me ccreating it

all i an ever do is ask is that what you want
is that want
what you want becusee its only ever me i now i created it i know i

i created i nkow i created i love that i know i love
taht i kwo
i know that life is always

unfolding perfeclty whatever happened
is perfect iand i nkow this i trut everything
i trust everything
i loe everything

thank ou thank you thank you thannk you thank you
thank you thank you that


thankyou thank yo
thank you than

to love is bliss
for the feeling of it for the sake of it i know i nkow thie
i knwo
i the i kno he real me is always there i know teh

the feeling is there

to love is bliss for the aks
skae of it oot if of rht esake