i’m here

i’m in a mood i’m in a mood i

i’m crabby because i let something outside of me be my source
i hadnded

handedover my power and my value to someone else

i was looking outside of me for god i was looking outside of me
for god and i know that god is always right here with me

i know that god is always right here with me
i am god

what is my problem what is the problem

idk i’m mad i’m sad idk i’m moody

i’m mad i’m mad i’m sad that

idk its not what i wanted it to be what i tought
thought it would be that it isn’t what i whouth

i’m here i’m here i’m here

i don’t care if awareness is focused or not i am awareness
i am awarneess i know that

when i turn the light of consciousness to it

it falls aparat i know i am aking something form

the only thing missing is god the only thing missing is god

i’m here doing the only work letting the rest go rememberign that caring is tha

isn’t it that needing something otuside of me
istn’ it

i know that i know its jut an addictive line of thought
i know that i don’t need anything outside of me i know that i


i don’t need anything ourside of me and i knwo that the wthe

the work always works i love that the work always works i love that
i know ia m the source i love that i’ve

let that go i love that ii’ve let

let it go maybe i’m afraid to let it go and that’s why i keep lo
keep lookign and lookking

trying tomake ti

it something its not

maybe i limited the unlmtied

today i release caring today i am aware of how i feel
today i am aware of how i feel today i am aware of how i feel

how i feel is that matters
the god feeling is all that matters

i know its only me i know its the power of the focus
i know that

the only thing missing is god the only thing missing is god and
as long as i continue to look outside of awareness
for bliss

i will be missing something and i love that i know this
that i get to do this wor kthe only that i get to feel good for me

i just wish i knew

what my problem is
so i get o

could wash it awaay

the hug wasn’t good enough
jessica always gets the good hugs
jessica is alawys hogging the good stuff

the hug wasn’t good enough the hug wasn’t good enought

the hug wasn’t good enough the hug wasn’t good enough

i’m so hard up for attention that i care
aboutt he h
queality of the hug
that i’m looking att he quality of the hug

the quality of the gratitude
i’m looking tousei
outside of me for more more more when i know that’s not what it is

i know that’s not what it is

i know i want out i want out i want out i love

wnat i want my old life back and that’s easy to do that’s easy to do

et a bou

set a boundry

i’m mad i’m mad i’m crabby i’m crabby i’m mad i’m upset i’m

i’m mad its no enough im mad its not enough it feels like
its being witheld thats

ok thats a seed im thinkgin somehting is being withiheld from me
beauce im lae


and the whole thing is just sickening to me the thing is
not what i wanted the whole thing is

is not what i wanted i
and i know that i need to retreat within until
i feel better an tha’s that

that’s all i can do i kno there is only ever me there is only

ever this work there’s only ever this work

how do i feel how do i feel
mad like ive been robbed like i had something good and beautiful and now its tainted

tainted by the mind tainted

tainted by the mind tainted by the mind and that’s all it is

can i allow myself to love pure?
can i allow mysle love

can i allow myself love
or do i alawys hwat t

have to push it away

can i llow myself love or do i alawys hae to push it away
im mad becuase i want more

and more isn’t ther more is within
the magick is within

i was looking for physical reality to be magickal

but it isn’t the magick soemt
comes from within and all i can do is

is the work on me all i can do is god within

the only work the only work the only work

and why and why why whyw hwywhwhwhwhwhwhwhwy

and i looking
the other thing is i feel this way for no reason when t

when there is so much to love so mucht o be b
happy about so grateful

i guess im mad i care

time to take back the upper hand and i know this owrk heps
hlep s

helps me do that i love that htis
this wrk

work helps me remember who ia m that i can
get to choose to ccelebrate that

the feelig i want to feel i get to ccelebrate the feelig iw ant to

want to feel that i can choose unattached love that ig et

can choose gods love and not need anything in return
i get to choose love i g t
get to choose love

i get to choose to love i get to choose love
it was a really good day and i know it all worked out becuaas i said

please god i said god is lavish unfailing abundance
and then i had the best moment
i pwned it for me
i get to be proud of something for me