
it’s me it’s me it’s me it’s me its me

s me

im the source i get to celebrate my success i guet
get to celebrate the magick of life on my side i get to c

to celebrate the day i get to ele brae life going good
for me i get to celebrate life going good for me
i get to turn the boat i can alawys turn the boat

becuase life reflects how i feel so its that or see how you dont want to feel
played out in front of you and i know thiat

tbat is the secret t l
to life

it’s only me its only me and i know the poer of me
i know the power of me i nkow the t

the power of me i know the power of me i know the power of e

me i know the

i keep my mind and thoughts off this wrld

i know that i get to choose how i feel what i lookk at

what gets stuck in my vibation i get to choose what i look

i get to choose hwat i
what i look at how

how i feel ig et to choose what i kl
look at i get to choose how i feel i m doing the work
to take a

care of how i feela nd i know that is’

that’s the only work this is the only work

i get to feel good i get to love i get to love i get to vibratae
i et to have a good day no matter what
knwoing that i am the sorucce of t

of the good day i get ot celebrate the day for me
i get to celebrate the day i
i love that my wife loves me i love that my wife is s

obsessed with me i love that i have a bueatu

beautiful and thriving marriage i lovee that i know
i am the sourcce of the love i am the source of the love

i love that

i know that i am the light i am the light i am the light i am
the source ia mthe

i am the source of the love i am the source of the love i love that
i get to choose ti i lovee that i get to choos eit i lo

i love that i get to hcoose lov ei love that i knwo i love that
i gt to do this work that this i

is his is my work this is the only work the
this is the only work this is the only work i love that i get to choose
the magick life

the magick life is all there is

i take care of me first i lv

i sink into me first i remembe to love me i frsit

i get tin the vortex and then
get in the vortex and then get in the vortex and then

and i love that i knwo i ilovee that
i can take the tiam e

time to take care of me first i love that i get to i love that
i know how to i love that i know the power of me i love that i now


i know that its neveer outside of me

i believed in objectified reality and gave it power of me
i know

reality is subjective i know reality
is subjective i know reality is subjective

i knwo i know i know i know i love that i nkow ai love
that i’m cured i love that i get t ochoose me i love that
i get to choose me i love that

i get to sink back to center

i get ot sink back to center
i get to allow the magick of life i get t

to practicce the art
of letting life coe to me
and that
is the only art

is my art this art this only work the magick work
the magick work the magick work

he magcik life the yes life is all there is i know that
this is all there is the feeling is all there

is the one the bus feeling is all there is

the choice is all there is ana
and everything telse is

everything else is

a reflection of that i

a reflection of that a reflection of that

i know its only everr me i know its only me i now is
only me

therefore i am totlaly confident in letting go and letting god

appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs

thereofre i am totally confidnet in letting go
and letting god appear as teh abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs

it’s only me it’s only me
it’s only me i

it’s only me it’s only me
it’s only

me it’s only mme it’s only me

it’s only mme

it’s only ever me its me it sonly me its all me
its all reflecting me the feeling of me

an i

and ive let that go i let it go i put it outside of me but i let it
go i

remember who ia m i know

who i am i know who ia m i know who i m ai
i know m ei know m ei know me

i love doing this work because it always wroks

works the me work the me work i love working on me
remembering who ia m

remembering who ia mwhat i am remembering who ia m
what ia m

i love that i get to let it all go i love that

i get to let it all go di love that
i love that i know the pwoeer of me i love
that i nkow the pweor of em

m ei

i love that id ont care!

i love that i don’t cae
i love that
i don’t care
i love that i don’t care

i keep my mind and thouths off this world