i’m in the flow

i’m in the flow and i love myself i lov myelf
i love making the choice and knowing
and its that easy

its that easy to have a good life its ehat
that easy to make the hcoic eand not look outsie of me
its that easy to bliess the contrast that helps me


hleps helped me focus
its that easy to find any way to feel good becaus ithat
that is the real powe that s i
is my real power and i bless the contrast that
helps m eremember my real pwoer that helps me focus
into my real power

its jut a thoughts
and its not real and my power is flipping every thtought

every mo
emotion its ea its treal
really easy and i know ti
that its i teh secret to live i know i am
the one

and only creator and its easy to chooe the feeling i prefer
right now and know its comeing

i know it aleays does i know the feeling of not caring
is right here
in the even horizone

i love making progress
i love making

progress i love feeling the effects of the procat

i love feeling the effects
i love returning to who iam rem

remembering who ia m i love rmeme
remembering who ia m
i love

remembering who ia m i love remembering who i m

i love htat i know its just a pa
pattern of thought i love remembering i love
remembering i love rememr

that its all fake i love that i know i love hta t
i ge tot love tit
let ti all go and tj
jsut rutst life i love that its
itsa eay to trust