today i remember the power of me

nd and i stay focused in it i stay focused inthe flow

in the magick of the flow i know the magikc of the flow
i know the magick of the magick life and im so
grateeful i know it and i get to live it im so grateful i

get to live it i km
so gratefl i know the truth to life

i have fuoun
found the secret to life and can realx in the knoweldge
that the activity of divie abundance is eternally oprating in my life

today i get to be fun today i get to be god
today i get to allow love to flow through god

through god today i get to cchoose to feel good no matter what

remember the real sourcce
the real sourcce within me

if i ever start to look outside of me
for something i can always turn back toward the maick of life li know i knkwo the magci
of life is real and it is aly

alawys flowsing to and through me i know the magick oflife
i know the magick of god i knwo its

this is its responsibility i love that i knwo this i love that
i knwo this i love that i know the god feeling i love

that i knwo when it is

when i askk it is givne and when the contrast helps me ask
it is made right then

i now this for a fact and i now that the contrast helps me as k

ask i know that the contrast htleps me ask
i know that tgo
god is always doing everything in my faovr i knwo that

everything is always in my faovr i know its up to me
what i look for i knwo it

its up to me not to care i know the

easiest thing and

the hardest thing

is nothing
to just trust everything that is
i trust everything that is i trut the unfolding of life i t

i trust god i trust this work i trut this life

i trust me i know that i am god and that
everything is always working out in my favor i knw that ht

the feeling is always here i know that th e
feeling is always right here and

with me
inside of me i know that god is always right here
i know that god is always me

i know that is
its alawys right here with me and nothing
else is real i know t

that everything else is made up
and none of it is me i know that i always have access to the god feeling
and that is the feeling i really seek

and if im seeking outside of me
it means j

seeking god and i can get that feeling right here and now

i know that the feeling i seek is right here and that everytime
i look outsidde of me for it and i need some

someone else to give it to me it measn im looking for the
god selff the god sellf that knows im looking for the god selff that knows

that it always

already is im looking for the god self that knows it already is i

the god self that knows life
already is the way iwant it to be

that knows that feeling precedes experience and its all up
to me how i feel and then once i get to that feeling

placce once i allow that feeling placce to rise
i remember i dont need anything

to bring that feeling about and nothing ever weill



nothing will ever give me the feeling of me
and that is the feeling i seek

nothing will everr give me the feeling of me
and that is the feeling i seek

i know i am the source of loe i know i ma

am the sourcce of abundance

i am a conduit and i bing it to love
i love that i get to allow god to love through me
i love that ig et to love without expectation

i get to trustt he flow of god i get to trust
whatever hapens

i can summon god at any time i allow god alll the time

i do this work to focu onw hat i really know t
so that i can be the perosn iw ant to be

the perosn
i know i am the god self i g

do this work so i can be the god selff
i can remember the god self so i can allow the
god self to flow t

freely through me

it feels so good to make the time
to do this work to feel how iw atn to feel to

be the perosn i want to be becausee i love
myself and i love my life and i love where i am

right now

i love that life is workking out fo rm ei love
that i get to ccelebrate

i love that this work works i love that
i know tis

onlythis work i know that the only thing
i can ever do is nothing

i love doing this work and getting out of the way
i love

getting in the voortex and then i love that
having a lust for life

today i have a lust for life
today i

am love today i exucee

exude love for no raosn
today i havve a good day

today i know that the divvine presence
i am

is the source and subtance of all my good

the divine presencce


is the sourcce and substance of all my good

i love invintin the magick back into mylife
i love

remembering the god in my life
i reme

remembering its alll god i kl
i love remembering its all subjective in the moment i love htat
im making the movie as it unfolds