i’m not afraid, i’m fearless

what if what if the vortex isn’t enough

but i know it’s not only
enough it’s everything

what if
i’m not enough
if this day isn’t enough
if i don’t workout
if i do and it’s not enough
if i’m not enough if i’m not enough

these thoughts aren’t even in my conscious
mind but when i ask myself

what i’m so
afraid of

this is what comes to the surface
and i don’t even know i am thinking these thoughts
but when i hear them

the resonate like that makes
sense because it feels like

i’ve been feeling
and i didn’t even know it
but what i’ve been feeling
is fear

not even consciously
and i don’t even know of what

and i just looked
and that’s at the bottom of the emotional


which doens’t really hlep
me feel better lol

like i do all this work
and i’m still at the bottom
of the emotional
scale wth lol

but i know it’s not
all of who i am and there
are aspects of me that are
elated as well and i know
that attention to
those parts helps them grow

and all i can do

is grow through me

and i actually feel that

thos parts


parts of me growing
and when i acknowledge the
it helps me realize it’s not
all of who i am
it’s just a subconscious vibration

years of conditioning
but by looking at it
i massage away the trigger point


i can feel the tide changing
i can feel the

the focus changing and i can feel myself
being able to look past

what is i can
feel myself coming to the
present and

relieving myself
of the
stress of comparison

all i can do or be is
right here and now
and the only
best version of
myself exists

here and now


now i am the best version of
myself right now

i love myself right now
i pay attention to what i
create where my focus

where my focus is and know
that is what i am creating
i observe my thoughts i notice my
thoughts and i make

i allow myself to
attract thoughts that
feel good and
what comes first is feeling
good then the thoughts come

i feel first
i feel and then i see

i feel and then i

i feel first and today i am
focused on how i feel i pay
attention to how i feel

i care about how i feel

today i feel good

today i feel good today i feel
at ease because i remember that
belief is all that matters
whatever i believe
is t

is what happens and i know
this is a fact and that i
get to choose
waht i believe

and i love that i know it’s
always a match i love
that i kow the magick of life
i love that
when i think about s
hitting me up she does i love
that when i do the work
the world shows me the evidence
and i know that
it’s easy to see the version
of myself i prefer

easy to look for and see that person
ad i know t

i know tat

that my htoutha

thougths are the freight train
carrying momentum and that life
is loving me
l;ife love ms

today is

today is good today is good
today feel goods

tday i
today i feel the magick flowing
through me and i’m not afraid to
allow it

to let go of the rest and look
past what is

today i am not afraid to look
past what is today iam
am feeling for my best self

i’m not afraid of life

i’m fearless because i know
life is just
a mirage

just a simulation
i’m not afraid of life
i’m embracing life and
embracing myself in this
here and onw

and that’

that’s all we can do

today feels good becaue i
i believe
in life i believ

that life lobes

loves me

i now

i know that life loves me and it’s meant to be good

i know that life loves me and
it’s meant to be

good i love that
i get to choose to be fearless

i love that i
get to choose to be

fearless i love that
i get to take teh bi

the big leap and say yes
i love that i get to

take the big leap into
life inot to

into tl

into life i get to transmute
the fear inot

into self love i
get to love myself and
that’s all i can

do i

i get get to love myelf
myself i get to sa

love myelf an
myself and it’s working!!!!

it’s working the work is
the work is working
and believing
is all that
it takes i

am brave enough to
see my best self in this
herea dno

and now i am allowing
myse b

my best self
in this ht

this here and now i am
allowing my best self in this
here and now

i allow my best

self in this here and now
and i transmute

existential fear
into existential
love and i know

it’s that easy thatnk

i know it’s as easy as whre i place my
i love enjoying the
the magick of life
i love enjoying
the magick

of life i love saying yes
i love feeling fearless i love
feeling my best self i love

choosing not to doubt i love
choosing to say yes
tot ha

to the magick of life
i love

i love that
knowing that i can

that i am

that i already have the

and that it’s already done
i love knowing that
it’ a

it’s already donde and

and knowing that my only
job is to

is allowing myself to
see that

i know that it’s already done
and i say thank you

because i know that it’s already done
it’s area

alredy do

done in